<p>I am currently a Junior in high school, and I have been thinking for a while where I am applying to.</p>
<p>I already know what size of school I want to apply (mid size schools or smaller ones - visited both USC and UCLA and didn't like it that much), and the location (East Coast all the way, but since I don't know the US that well I'm open to any place...), but what makes me confused is whether I should decide where to apply regarding the academics they offer.</p>
<p>I am pretty sure about either English or History or Psychology, or/and a major/minor in Celtic Studies (actually Irish studies, but most of the colleges that I found offer it as Celtic...). However, most of the colleges only offer it as a minor, such as University of Notre Dame (they even have an entire department on it).</p>
<p>What I wonder is: would it be better to make my college list and apply to colleges despite having or not Irish Studies, since it's a pretty rare major/minor? Should I, instead, study it as a graduate student, so I don't eliminate good colleges that might appear in my college search (according to CollegeConfidential's Supermatch, Princeton is my biggest match)?</p>
<p>Sorry for such a long post, I just wanna make sure I am not being precipitate on my choices.</p>