Questions about housing

So I’m pretty clueless when it comes to the housing. I will be putting down my housing and enrollment deposits this week. As for roommates I’m kind of stuck because I have 3 other roommates who all put down there housing early and one will pull me in. But now an old friend of mine from middle school is going. If I room with him will we be able to get a suite still and still find two more roommates? What exactly is the February 1st deadline and what happens if we miss it? Also my current roommates were telling me that there’s a chance we can be split up because the changes that were made? I really have no idea how this works and the website isn’t too helpful, so any clarification would be great. Thanks.

Once your deposit is in keep checking your Crimson email, housing will be posting a webinar to explain everything very soon. You are correct in your first situation, one of the kids with the early deposit can pull you in to their quad. If you chose to do the second scenario with your friend from school you would need to find 2 more kids and hope that they (or the school mate) has an early deposit date and can pull you in…you can also chose to just do a quad with the schoolmate and go into a room with 2 others randomly…the webinar will explain more and the Housing department is super helpful if you call them directly and ask any questions you have. You never stated when your friend from school put his deposit in…if it is early he can pull you in so you will be together.

Thank you for the helpful information. My friend from school did not put in his deposit yet. Also what would happen if I decide to room with him and he doesn’t get in the deposit in till after February 1st? Can we still room together and find two more roommates?

As long as he gets his in by May 1, he can be pulled in.

This is what your roommates mean when they say you can be split up because of the changes made. In prior years, one person could pull three roommates into a suite. This year it’s been changed so that each person can only pull one roommate in. This is more fair to kids who deposit early, as many late depositors were being pulled in prior to those kids. Because a single person can’t pull all three of you in, there’s a chance that the two roommates who deposited earliest won’t manage to both get into the same suite, especially if they don’t have the same selection time. So you need to have a plan and know who is pulling in whom and how you’d like to end up if you have to separate.

Thank you my roommates were explaining that to me today. Is there a high chance we might be split up since we’re likely to not be in the same time slot? Probably one or two away from each other. A little less than a month a part from when they registered.