questions about math courses for electrical engineering major

<p>i am transfering to tech for the second summer term from Northern virginia community college.
On the transfer equivalency page it says if i take vector calc and calc 2 at nova i will also get credit for vector geometry, but when i checked to see what classes i got credit for i did not receive credit for vector geometry. Do you guys know why that might be? If i don't get credit for it i will have to take it either over the summer or the fall semester. I plan to take circuit analysis
linear algebra
differential eq
intro to computer engineering
engineering professionalism
is vector geometry a prerequisite to any of these classes because if it is i will need to take it over the summer?</p>

<p>If you don’t see any credits that you should have received, tell it to your adviser when you attend the transfer orientation event. I’m like you. I’m from Nova CC and got an Associate in EE. I’m driving down to Blacksburg on next Monday for transfer orientation.</p>

<p>I’m not sure, I took Vectory Geometry at tech but it’s basically like another pre-calc course that prepares you for stuff in Vector Calculus, Differential Equations, and some Linear Algebra. Mostly Vector Calculus. </p>

<p>As for prerequisites, Circuit Analysis requires Differential Equations to be a co-req which it is on your schedule. Intro to Computer Engineering requires the introductory C++ class (ECE 1574). Linear algebra doesn’t require anything I don’t think and professionalism is an easy A class. </p>

<p>Have fun with Circuit Analysis and Intro to CpE and Microprocessing after that, your in for a lot of fun(sarcasm). For Intro to CpE just make sure you are good at binary, boolean algebra(k-maps ect.) and can learn basic assembly language and C which you will use a lot in Microprocessing which comes after Intro to CpE. Circuit Analysis starts off with very easy material and get’s hard around the middle of the course, know your differential equations enough by then. Good luck!</p>

<p>hey chaz could you tell me what book you used for vector geometry. I already have credit for the class because i took calc 2 and 3 at community college which mean i also get credit for math 1224. Maybe i can just read it over to get the basics of it.</p>

<p>Actually we had no book for the class when I took it, the notes/modules were all online but I bought a binder/paper copy at the bookstore. It’s like a hundred or something pages with all the modules combined. I did a quick look and found this link and go figure it’s the same modules I had 4 years ago so nothing has changed. </p>

<p>[Vector</a> Geometry (Math 1224) | Mathematics | Virginia Tech](<a href=“Vector Geometry (Math 1224) | Mathematics | Virginia Tech”>Vector Geometry (Math 1224) | Mathematics | Virginia Tech)</p>

<p>By the way for those who are taking Vector this fall, I really recommend getting Hart for your instructor. He teaches other courses too. I had him and he’s one of the best you can get at VT and there are not that many good math instructors. I’ve had only 2 really good ones.</p>

<p>i learned all of that stuff in calc 2 and 3(except complex numbers) i can just teach myself that.</p>