Questions: Can anyone give me an idea what the class sizes are freshman yr?

@“beth’s mom” oh that’s awesome! The one about sports and society seems really interesting to me, I hope it isn’t filled up when I pick classes.

@2017Dreams , the Honors seminar courses (UH course designation) tend to change every semester, so not every prior class is offered again. Here is a current list of honors classes: Similarly, the Honors English course themes may change from semester/year to semester/year.

Some are quite small others are large. For honors/regular, the professor should be the determining factor. As for after freshman year: the vast majority of students do move off campus, the university needs the space for freshman. The area around campus is mixed, some parts are nice, others not so much. A lot (but not all) of the near campus housing feels sort of “crowded” kind of like a concrete jungle, not much green space.