Questions on CMU Legacy Status

Hello everyone.

Both of my parents have received their MBA from CMU’s business school. However, they did not take any of its undergraduate problem.

I am unsure of what CMU considers to be ‘legacy’ since some schools consider legacy to be exclusive to parents who have taken the undergrad program and graduated from that school.

If anyone could answer this question it would be great!

undergraduate programs* instead of undergraduate problem, didn’t catch that typo when typing.

I found this on a CMU page:
Looking to follow in your family’s footsteps?
Your status as a potential legacy family is very important to us, but CMU’s admission process uses the same criteria for all applicants, regardless of legacy status. All applicants are evaluated fairly and individually throughout the review process. Please note that the Alumni Association has no involvement with the admission process. Admission to CMU is fiercely competitive, and all prospective students should present themselves robustly and truthfully during the process.

I’m not sure how broad CMU’s definition of legacy is, but it seems to have little bearing on admissions anyway.

My husband and I are both graduates (undergrad degrees). In observing the many friends who have had kids apply and with our own child’s application, I would say that being a legacy has no bearing on admission at CMU. It DOES have bearing on how you are treated in the process: Your parents may get a nice letter assuring them that your application will be given a thorough review. If you are not accepted, you are more likely to be waitlisted vs rejected because that’s a softer way to let down the child of an alum (that is, donor/potential donor).

But, in general, I don’t think legacy status actually is given any weight or gives a bump to the applicant. If ALL things being equal, they are deciding between you and a non-legacy applicant, they would likely choose you because they may see you as more likely to accept, but that’s the only instance where it would likely help.

We know kids of alum who have been accepted and others who have been waitlisted. None have been rejected outright. The ones who have been accepted were impressive candidates in their own right.

Good luck! If you are considered a legacy, it certainly isn’t a negative, but if you aren’t covered under their definition I don’t think your chances of acceptance are any less than they would have been as a legacy.

I wou

I don’t know how CMU defines legacy (if you really want to know you can ask your AO…but will the answer change anything?), but their CDS says Alumni/ae relation is “important”. I would take the alum association reference with a grain of salt as they have nothing to do with admissions.

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I suspect the Alumni association, with a primary objective of raising money, is more inclusive in defining a “legacy” than other organizations may be. For $500, I’m sure your fourth cousin, twice removed, would suffice to earn the label. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m counting on the CDS being accurate. D22 can use all the help she can get. I’m not aware of any formal definition at CMU, but an undergraduate degree often does carry more weight.