<p>I'm earning both my high school diploma and my first 2 years of college (at a community college) while in high school--actually more than 2 years, around 80 hours of credit. I'll earn a special diploma while in high school that will exempt me from the specific general education requirements at the colleges I'm looking at (One's Top 25, other Top 100). If I go to the top 25 school I plan to stay 2 years and major in Chemistry and Philosophy, with a minor in Public Policy. If I go to the Top 100 school, I plan to stay 3 years and major in Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, and philosophy (or political science) with several minors. </p>
<p>I'd like to attend law school after undergrad...I debated at the UN in middle school, was president of the debate club, am a teen court attorney, and am seeking an internship with the local DA. I'm also soon to receive my second compensated, state government-appointed position and am "sparring" with the Governor's Office over a legal issue I expect to "win." I've also brought legal concerns to another government agency which stands to completely change a major government program. I read state law and educational policy in my spare time =/ I'd really like to do a dual-degree program but I'm afraid of the cost.</p>
<p>I can't say I expect to get into T-14 schools, but will any of my planned actions hurt me? I'm disappointed because my college GPA is a 3.65 with 17 "letter-graded" hours. This is because I earned 2 B's in accelerated (8-week) 2nd and 3rd semester college Spanish without any high school foreign language. I don't expect to make anymore B's at the community college. </p>
<p>Thanks for any advice and Merry Christmas! I'm writing this now because I'm in a hotel, visiting a middle-of-nowhere town and I have a bit of free time.</p>