Race-neutral tools to achieve racial diversity challenged - gift NYT article

The case is regarding Thomas Jefferson school’s policy of simply taking the top students from every middle school, rather than using an admissions test. However, this will certainly also apply to some states that use a similar policy in order to boost Black and Hispanic admissions to flagship state U’s. After the Supreme Court bans consideration of race in college admissions, this case may lead to banning policies whose sole goal is to increase racial diversity.

I’m just surprised that the test case is Thomas Jefferson. Boston Latin seems like a much more obvious case.

Probably means that colleges will be less transparent about any changes in any part of their admissions process or criteria. Any change could have an impact on race / ethnicity mix of admitted students, whether or not that was the intent of the change, and a college is unlikely to want every change to be a potential lawsuit alleging that the intent of the change was to change the race / ethnicity mix of admitted students.

Race and college admission is only allowed in one that read in the political forum. OP is welcome to repost there.