Racial/Ethnicity Status

<p>Hello all,
I was wondering if I can receive any feedback.</p>


<p>I have a friend attending University of Iowa, and wants to transfer for next fall (bc they must have 24 credits completed before they can).</p>

<p>I was wondering if He coming from another big ten university such as iowa, Definitely not Madison but comparable in some aspects,will that improve his chances?</p>

<p>Also, His dad is 100% Moroccan leading him to be African, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern.</p>

<p>What would he put under racial status?
And, do you think that racial status will improve admissibility?
Could they use this information to help their application in another way also? (Essays..etc)</p>

<p>Lastly, In general, what else could this applicant do to improve chances or any transfer applicant for that matter? (Gpa,clubs,work..etc)</p>

<p>Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!!Thanks!</p>

<p>He should check the UW transfer admissions info om the UW site. Study hard and get good grades- at least a 3.0 is needed regardless of the current school attended. For second semester check on how credits would transfer- no use taking courses that won’t transfer- info on UW site. Treat the current school seriously- learn as much as he can and develop good study habits.</p>