Racism at Bing?

Can any CURRENT students talk about racism at Binghamton. Is it really that bad or is it just average?

Can I ask where you’ve heard that it’s particularly bad? I haven’t heard or seen anything worse than average. The biggest thing that usually comes up is that there are a lot of cultural groups/clubs/events that tend to stick to themselves, but that isn’t a hard and fast rule, and it’s not exactly racism.

Sure, Well there is a post on here that talks about discrimination at binghamton. There is a facebook page called stop racism at binghamton and there are complaints about campus police picking on minority students.

Thanks for your response

Ooh, I actually know the page you’re talking about. That’s not a university thing, but rather a resource for the town of Binghamton. It was created as a way to organize protests in the town after the Michael Brown / Ferguson injustice.

Okay that’s good to hear! Thanks for answering my question


lostaccount, It is quite obvious how much you hate Binghamton and that’s fine. Not everyone is going to love the school. What I don’t understand is why you are on College Confidential spreading so much hate. You aren’t giving information to help people you are giving information to stop people from going to Binghamton. People come to this site to get advice on important life decisions and you use it as an opportunity to stop people from going to binghamton simply because you dislike the school. Find another way to express how much you hate this school. Like maybe start a blog or a youtube channel. What you’re doing is wrong in my opinion.

But to answer the question. Racism is everywhere in America and you can’t run from it. Obviously some schools have it worse but as a black student at bing I have not faced any racial injustice. You have nothing to worry about!

Unfortunately like anywhere else Binghamton isn’t free of racism and discrimination. Some students have had issues with racism/xenophobia from local residents. The campus also has some issues with self segregation and racial cliques with students. But its more likely just students “sticking with what they know” than conscious prejudice (Binghamton students often to prefer to hangout with people they know from HS/their hometowns) The campus itself is pretty diverse and there are plenty of clubs and social groups to get involved in no matter your race/ethnic group.

I think you are correct but I also think lost account has a right to speak his or her mind. There are a number of youtube clips that are terribly unflattering to Suny Bing. SUNY Bing has just a tad more racism than your upper liberal arts college like Williams, Pomona, Davidson, Colgate, Barnard, HC, Bucknell, but at least the degree is worth the drama. To go to a state school and have to deal with the stuff that the kid on youtube shared is most unfortunate. But you can’t beat the sticker price for Bing!! Its cheap. Solid cheap school don’t flinch from the racism.

Actually after being here for almost 2 semesters and talking to older students the campus itself is very liberal. No one I know has complained of much racism. There are of course some people who have racist views here but that’s expected. But the county and neighboring counties seem to be very racist in general.