Raising math score

<p>My math score is my weakest, in June (first try) I got (about)</p>

<p>28 composite
30 science
30 reading
28 english
24 math</p>

<p>I am aiming for a 30, which isn't too far out of my reach. I have been scoring well in reading and science in practice tests (mid-high 30's), which will help, even if I don't pull of the math score, but I still want to improve just incase, and if I do well on all tests, even better. My english is alright, I get high (27-29) 20's on them. English is just kind of "I get it or I don't" for me. </p>

<p>Anyways, what would be the best strategy for this? I have been taking a few tests, and am planning to just take A LOT. My reasoning is that taking all the tests with strengthen what I know, and expose me to a lot of new problems, so if I see them on the ACT I'll have a clue of what to do.</p>

<p>(By this I mean just taking the math portion of all of my ACT tests.)</p>