Random question about what clothes you get?

<p>You're allowed to wear your own underwear right, for instance under armour for runs or stuff like that. Also what else do you get? I see some pictures where students are wearing I think enlisted uniforms (the ones with the blue ribbon type thing around the neck) and other pictures where people have on dress whites. Do you get exactly the same stuff any other naval officer would get like the long coat? I know not very meaningfull stuff, but I am curious.</p>

<p>Pretty much. I think when you are referring to the "enlisted" uniform...you are referring to white works alpha, which is only worn during plebe summer (it is the plebe summer equivalent to summer whites; worn for distingushed speakers and formal occassions).</p>

<p>Pretty much you get everything an officer would (plus working blues). Be aware, that the CNO has approved a digi-cami looking working uniform to be integrated in the near future (who knows when or if at USNA?...working blues is a long time tradition!).</p>

<p>dvd...you will get everything you need, right down to your underware...which, by the way, are regulation tighty-whities.</p>

<p>If competeting on a varsity team, you will get your gear as well (a rare opportunity to wear your under-armour)</p>

<p>On I-day alone you will be issued a seabag that you will carry about from station to station....collecting gear, shoes and clothing along the way....it will come to just over 90 lbs by the time you get to huff it up 3 flights of stairs (that is running up, not walking up) to drop it off in Bancroft Hall. </p>

<p>You will need to bring a toothbrush, deoderant and a razor, along with a broken-in pair of white running shoes- nothing more, less is even OK. Forget anything else- cause even if you bring it, they will take it away until just before parent's weekend....only then will you get it back, providing 1. it is "allowed" in your company, or 2. it was lost. If it is the former, you will be handing the stuff over to your parents, who will, in turn, carry it around with them the entire day before lugging it right back home.</p>

<p>You will get more uniforms than you know what to do with. You will even "earn" certain uniform pieces to wear as plebe summer progresses...like a new cover to replace the dixie cup, or the blue scarf to wear with your white works. BTW- you will learn to love your white works and will wish you could still wear them by the time you advance into the summer whites.</p>

<p>Oh- and has anyone told you about the uniform races yet??? ;)</p>

<p>Underware type or brand (for that matter) is not regulated and you have no obligation to conform to what is issued.</p>

<p>Jadler beat me to it. However, as crazy as it might sound, Plebe Summer is one time where you don't want to stand out in any weird way. Stick to what is issued. Once the summer is over, have at it.</p>

<p>The only uniforms I ever purchased after graduation were Khakis, and that's only because the ones I got at USNA got worn out. My SDB's, Summer Whites, etc., carried me through 5 years and beyond (short time in the Reserves).</p>

<p>My class was the first to receive the Campus Jacket. Prior classes had gotten the "Ike" jacket that you CAN use in the Fleet. We were TICKED.</p>

<p>IIRC, the only uniforms from USNA that do not go with you into the Fleet are your whiteworks (thank God), your Campus Jacket, and your Full Dress Blues (A pity, really.). If you go USMC or cross to another service, you are SOL.</p>

<p>BTW, as you progress through the next four years, you will be issued more and more uniforms. For example, my class was issued FOUR SETS of Service Dress Blues. Don't ask me why. The thing is, those things are NOT cheap, and you DO pay for them. After the second set, I never went back. Never got in trouble. Did the same thing for the additional WUB(A) and WUB(D) uniforms.</p>

<p>Take care of your peacoat (For the life of me, I can't remember the official name of it right now). It is a Godsend. I don't think I wore my long overcoat once after I graduated.</p>

Oh- and has anyone told you about the uniform races yet???




or the blue scarf to wear with your white works



<p>Only zoomies wear scarves in the summer, and that's because they all want to be like the Red Baron. :D</p>

<p>There's one little tidbit I'd like to share. Perhaps Jadler can expand upon it with whatever the current regs are.</p>

<p>Back in the day, we were issued something like two pair of black Corfram patent-leather dress shoes and one set of black leather dress shoes. I suspect that the issue isn't much different.</p>

<p>I HATE Corframs because all they are is a cheesy man-made material wrapped in plastic. Your feet don't breath, so they immediately get sweaty and that SUCKS when it's cold outside. The other drawback is that since they don't breath, they reek to high heaven. Finally, they may look nice the FIRST time you wear them, but they will soon become creased where they fold and the slightest scuff is impossible to remove (claims that Windex and Pledge, and sometimes even Brasso, get the scuffs out are all BS).</p>

<p>My recommendation is that if your company allows it, go with only the leather shoes and learn to spit-shine them. They breath, stay drier, don't smell, and can be brought back to a beautiful high sheen without too much effort once you get the hang of it. Show up with a shiny pair of REAL leather shoes and you'll look and feel much better. People appreciate the effort it takes.</p>

<p>The same applies to your Summer White shoes, except that there are no patent-leather equivalents (well, there weren't as of 10 years ago, anyway). Shine them up WITH POLISH. DO NOT USE THE KIWI LIQUID STUFF! It just turns yellow and then your shoes look like they're painted which looks like utter crap.</p>

<p>My second Chief on my first ship stood before me on the morning of my first Morning Quarters with the Gunner's Mates, looked at my COMBAT BOOTS, and quietly sneered, "Sir, we're GM Division. We require our shoes to shine. Please make a note of it." and walked away. I looked at the rest of the guys and ALL of them had GLEAMING combat boots on. I mean MIRRORS. </p>

<p>Mine were much better the next morning, but still not mirrors. "Work on it, sir."</p>

<p>I loved my Chief! :D</p>

<p>Still do, actually. He's a deputy in the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office in Florida, and we still keep in touch. :)</p>

<p>neckerchief...is THAT what they call that???? was wondering about that all summer!!!</p>

<p>jadler...I thought boxers were "off limits".... is that not true??? I know a mid who would LOVE to be back in them!!!</p>

<p>Don't know about the p-coats....the mids got these all-weather ones this year with a zip-out liner..... said they were issued them in place of the long wool coats as they don't make the wool ones anymore...????</p>

Take care of your peacoat (For the life of me, I can't remember the official name of it right now).


<p>We called them reefers.</p>

<p>Corframs are horrible...once scuffed, they look crappy. I only will wear them with mess dress. The smell problem is probably as bad in both shoes. </p>

<p>Boxer shorts are okay...the only thing mentioned with undergarments is that they shall not be visible in uniform (i.e. not saggers and don't wear black colored boxers in summer whites...can you say common sense?).</p>

<p>2009 & 2010's "O-Coat" is a combined overcoat and weather jacket...I hope they can find someone to make it!!!</p>

<p>My overcoat was invaluable on watch tonight...I could not even imagine myself in the combined jacket....I would have been even colder.</p>

<p>Everyone has a reefer, though.</p>

We called them reefers.


<p>THAT'S IT! Thanks for the memory jog. :)</p>

2009 & 2010's "O-Coat" is a combined overcoat and weather jacket.


<p>Eh? :confused:</p>

<p>Don't tell me their going to put that stupid woop-like cape over it! :eek:</p>

<p>i thought that plebes don't say goodbye their dixie covers until after plebe year. Do they get normal covers (the ones with the tainted? anchor) before then?</p>

<p>The dixie cup goes away after Plebe Summer EXCEPT if it's used on Youngster Cruise (I didn't need it).</p>

<p>All Midshipmen use the same cover. Once the Academic Year begins, rank is told by the different rank insignia.</p>

<p>Dixie cover is not used after plebe summer....unless for a dress-up spirit related activity during Ac Year. White works is only worn during Herndon.</p>

<p>The ONE thing corframs are good for are inspections. Most people keep a pristine set of everything (shoes, belt buckle, cover, tie) that they wear only for weekly inspections and watch inspections. Of course, the minute inspection is over, people run to their rooms and change back into the "grunge." </p>

<p>You may have the option to purchase some used (vs. new) uniforms. This depends on your size and availability from the prior class(es). It can save you some money. Sometimes, you can get a good deal if the uniform was worn by someone who quit very early and thus is barely used. Whether you want them is up to you.</p>

<p>And Z is right -- if you take care of your uniforms and don't change sizes, the SDBs, SDWs and coats should last your at least 5 years in the USN. I did end up buying more khakis (b/c I only had 3 pairs and we wore them all the time in the squadron), working blues (because mine were trashed after wearing them every day for four years) and whites (because they just get dirty). </p>

<p>One other thing -- women's uniforms are always more $$ and considerably so. First, women have to buy the same number of pants as men PLUS at least one skirt for most uniform styles. They must buy flat shoes just like the guys but also pumps. Because there are fewer women, there are fewer opportunities for used uniforms that fit. And, because there are fewer women at USNA and in the USN in general, the quantities aren't produced in as much mass and therefore cost more. For example, in my day, a man's cover cost about $25 whereas a woman's cost $58.</p>

White works is only worn during Herndon.


<p>Oh? We used to wear them if we had PT class that morning/afternoon. Is this no longer the case?</p>

i thought that plebes don't say goodbye their dixie covers until after plebe year. Do they get normal covers (the ones with the tainted? anchor) before then?


<p>they don't shed the dixie cups until the end of plebe summer, however we noticed that towards the start of ??week 5?? of plebe summer they started wearing their "neckerchiefs" and their new covers on certain occassions, such as marches, some of the quest speakers at Alumni Hall, etc, then back to the dixie cups the next day again.....</p>


<p>PE classes go in camaflouge utilities vice white works.</p>


<p>Different versions of white works uniform...as I mentioned in an earlier post, white works alpha has the neckerchief with the combo cover.</p>

<p>White works comes in alpha (neckerchief, crew neck t-shirt, combo cover), charlie (dixie cover, black leathers, crew neck t-shirt), echo (blue rim, issued plebe shoes), foxtrot (combo cover, crew neck t-shirt, black leathers), PE white (combo cover, blue rim, court shoes...this is the one zaph is talking about).</p>

<p>oh my!!! how on earth do they keep all the uniforms straight???? I mean, it's a wonder they all come out dressed alike!!! :eek:</p>

<p>They don't always. ;)</p>

<p>Cammies for PT, eh? Cool. Better than Whiteworks any day.</p>

<p>What's the requirements for going home or simply leaving the Yard?</p>