Random Questions

I have 2 magazine holders in my pantry approx like this - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GVN6PBM/ref=sspa_dk_detail_1?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07GVN6PBM&pd_rd_w=FAppX&pf_rd_p=f0355a48-7e73-489a-9590-564e12837b93&pd_rd_wg=A1xx0&pf_rd_r=KEE6BEXBHF9MMV3485NC&pd_rd_r=cce2fa24-b24d-4be3-a2e7-8d1b1ce05a9f&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFRNEg2RVM5Q1pHR1AmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA1Mjc1MzZHMlczUDdYWDFMNUomZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDgyODg5OTFLMzVZM1IzVFhPS1gmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWMmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl

One is actually a plastic magazine bin. The other is package from Christmas about 25 years ago… reused packaging from “Rudolph’s 2nd Christmas book/pillow set” … happy memory.

Just curious -
Anyone know what happened to @rockvillemom or @eyemamom?
Haven’t heard from either of them in a LONG time. They aren’t banned, so that’s not the issue.

Neither one has been active since sometime in 2019 it says. We lost a lot of good posters when they did the whole revamping of the website.

I too wonder about @rockvillemom and her parents especially at Thanksgiving. Also her coworker with melanoma.

Yeah - at least @rockvillemom gave some warning that she really couldn’t read the new font or something like that.
@eyemamom’s last posts didn’t give any hints. I remember her getting the adorable puppy that’s her picture.

Has anyone installed the iOS 14.1 on their phone? My DH says it’s a whole new interface. Not sure I want to deal with that. I have an iPhone 8. I am installing it in my iPad to see what it is like. Any comments? Likes?dislikes? Tips? Navigations issues?

My phone updated last night. So far I haven’t noticed anything except it asked me about widgets a couple of times. I just closed the windows out and kept going.

I also upgraded to an iPhone 11 from the 7 about a month ago. I’m still getting used to the no home button.

i don’t want to lose the home button!

I always wait on my updates to hear about the bugs and problems.; still haven’t updated to 14.0. One thing I have heard is there is still a problem where you can only use the Apple Mail as it is set as default; the same for Safari. If you don’t use a different browser, or another mail program, should be a problem there.

The older my phone gets, the longer I wait for updates. I think my 7 was still on iOS 12.

I use gmail and the only difference I see is now it’s a bit easier to move the mail to the trash.

I think the music app changed color but I never use it. And opening up certain apps, it wants to tell me what’s changed, but I just closed them out and haven’t noticed any differences yet

My phone automatically upgraded 2 nights ago. I hate it.

I don’t do automatic OS updates because I don’t want to be frustrated by unanticipated problems/incompatibilities. That being said, I did upgrade to 14.01 on my ancient 6S which caused Amazon Music to crash. Uninstalled then reinstalled the app and it seems to be working okay now. I’ll wait to update to 14.1 until after it is 14.11 (or more).

I stopped updating my iPhone 6S a couple of years ago at least after chatting with an Apple store employee at the Genius Bar. I didn’t really have enough free memory for upgrades, and didn’t need the features. I always wait a long while before updating my newer iPad until all issues work out. I have it on manual update only,

I usually delay the upgrades until the kinks are worked out. Somehow this upgrade was done automatically. Maybe I missed a notification?

My phone was been chewing up battery life since the upgrade. Any idea of what I could do to stop or change this?

But you probably want the security fixes.

14.1 updated on X.

I spent a good 2 hours today trying to make it wifi to the printer. I then restarted the phone and it worked. H has the same phone and did not have the problem.

About 3 am the day after the update I got a text to join a Covid notification thing. Scared the daylights out of me until I realized what it was. It was either that they got my number from the electric company (winter storm blackout that day) or water slow down later that day, or from my updated phone.

I slept until 10 am the following day!

New question: Tell me about reddit. Do I want to join? why or why not? Pros and cons.

I now have at least two apps that will only work with IOS 12 or higher on my 6s. I’m at 10.3.3. My son is aghast. I need to call Apple to find out how to update with less then one gb of storage available.

That’s why I upgraded from the 4 to the 7 in 2016. One by one, my apps stopped working. They needed at least iOS 8 and I was in 7. I think current at the time was 10 and 8 was no longer available for downloading. But above 8 would not work on my old phone.

I was tried to keep it a bit more up to date with the 7, but didn’t want to get stuck in the battery drain problem like many upgrades seem to have. Mine did have a slight problem, but it was almost 4 years old. The bigger problem was my charging port was hosed. Cleaning didn’t help. I think i had sweat on it way too much and it had water damage even with a water proof case.

@rockymtnhigh2 I still don’t completely understand Reddit but my son convinced me to try it. I’ve since joined a knitting thread and am constantly amazed by how talented people are. I also look at a few of my favorite TV shows - some people post while the show is airing and it’s fun to read their comments. I’m pretty sure you don’t need an account to just look around.