Random Questions

Yuck on fruit flies. I have had some relief with a glass of vinegar on the counter top to catch them

We always have lots of counter fruit, both from our garden and store bought. We’ve controlled flies with the TERRO Fruit Fly Trap (looks like an apple).

But to me the real question is, How do you eat up all that fruit before it goes bad??

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My husband seems to be a separated at birth twin of @arisamp ’s husband! :slight_smile: He also loooooves fruit. And he manages to eat all fruit we buy at Costco and other stores. He takes 3-5 pieces to work, eats a large bowl of berries for breakfast (in addition to eggs etc. ) and sneaks a couple of pieces out of the baskets before dinner. Sometimes he tops it all off with another piece. No fruit goes to waste here! :slight_smile:

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@BunsenBurner - had to laugh. H does all that you mention! Definitely twins separated at birth!

@VeryHappy - very little fruit goes to waste in our house. H really eats a ton of fruit - with breakfast, lunch, dinner and in-between!! Bananas are the only ones he won’t eat much but will buy anyway for me. Since I don’t eat them fast enough, I end up putting ripe bananas in the freezer to make banana bread.

@aMacMom - will look at that trap.

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One ANNOYING thing that H does is slam the toilet lid. This is especially annoying in the evening when I value QUIET.

Random question: does anyone have a soft close lid? Does it work? Pros/cons?? Other suggestions?

Here’s an example: https://www.amazon.com/Mayfair-featuring-Slow-Close-43SLOW-000/dp/B076KW4YSM/

We just got them a few months ago, but we weren’t slammers. Sometimes (especially when cleaning) it would slip out of my hand and drop. The seats got scuffed after while. So yes, I’d say they work. I don’t think you can slam them shut. They’re like the slow shut kitchen cabinets and drawers if you have those. Also note that we have only had them a few months so I don’t know if the soft close feature wears out over time

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We have a soft close lid in our master and it’s awesome! Highly recommend.


Have had soft close for years. Love them.


I got one several years ago to replace an old one (not even realizing the new one was slow-close) and I thought it was the most amazing thing ever! Went out and replaced all the others. But, the slow-close feature quit working after less than a year. I think I got a couple replaced under warranty at some point. I eventually gave up and got some rubber stick-on bumpers you can put on the bottoms of the seat and lid. They at least muffle the slam. I think the seat brand was Bemis - that’s the only one I remember being available at the time.

We have a soft close lid in one of our bathrooms. It’s been working great for over 10 years.


We have Kohler and Toto soft close lids that have been working great for close to decade. I would say go for some well known brand!


Do I tip the guy installing new fridge today? If so, how much? Thanks

I tip anyone who delivers appliances or furniture to my home. Depends how difficult ( stairs?) the situation is for me. Had a coffee table delivered recently so easy peasy-gave each of the 2 guys $10. For a heavier item or difficult location in my home I’ve done $20-25 per person. Yay on the new refrigerator!


I never have. I figure, That’s their job.


How do you clean your oven racks?

take them out-soap and water. try hard to not get them soiled

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I remember using oven cleaner outside of the house many many years ago.


I take them outside and put on a tarp. Spray them down with oven cleaner, let them sit a bit and rinse off. Almost everything comes off and what’s left is removed easily with the tiniest bit of scrubbing.


That’s what I pretty much did. The piece of plastic I put under them went into the garbage.