Rank Best Undergrad B-Programs in New England

<p>My opinion of what the ranking should look like academically:</p>

<li>MIT (you know why this is #1)</li>
<li>Boston College (wow!)
Babson (Great if want to be an entreprenuer)</li>
<li>Boston University (Great Bschool, but who has that kind of money?)</li>
<li>Bentley College (Great programs, rated just where it should be)
University of Connecticut (underrated, will be around #2 on list in 5 years)</li>
<li>Northeastern University (Rated just right)</li>
<li>Quinnipiac University (underrated program)</li>
<li>University of Massachusetts (Rated just right)</li>
<li>Fairfield University (Rated just right)</li>

<p>Best business Programs for the money:</p>

<li>University of Connecticut </li>
<li>Boston College</li>
<li>Bentley College</li>
<li>Babson College</li>

<p>omniscient what is your views on qunnipiac's business school, reputation, academics, social life and students ...oh and prestige </p>

<p>im most likely going and want to know peoples opinion</p>

<p>Very good undergrad business program. The Lender School is well known mostly for its great international business program. The facilities are great, and alumni connections are good. Faculty members easily make time for their students. The school is not cheap though. I would recommend uconn for in-state students. It has a better program and it is cheaper. </p>

<p>The social life at quinnipiac is good, and it is about 15 to 20 minutes from new haven. There is one major frat on campus, and the party scene is average. The hockey games are great to see, since quinnipiac is constantly in the top 20 in the country for hockey. Lastly the campus is very beautiful, and they are currently in the works to build a hockey/basketball arena just off campus.</p>

<p>NYU Stern isn't exactly New England but its 3 hours from Boston and much closer to Uconn/Fairfield so it should be considered</p>

<p>ok we will include new york state in the ranking:</p>

<li>NYU Stern</li>
<li>MIT </li>
<li>Boston College
Babson </li>
<li>Boston University </li>
<li>Bentley College
University of Connecticut </li>
<li>Northeastern University </li>
<li>SUNY Binghamton</li>
SUNY Buffalo</li>

<p>Sorry 10. UMASS Amherst is tied with SUNY Binghamton</p>

<p>no way umass is tied with bing, umass is a huge party school like albany and pace definitely doesnt belong there. buffalo is questionable, alot of rankings say stony is better for some reason.</p>

<p>Don't include Buffalo, I wanted NYC included since it's close but Buffalo is so far away from NE its not even close. Washington DC is closer to NYC then Buffalo lol</p>

<p>i would not go by us news, because their rankings fluctuate too much. 2 years ago uconn's undergrad was #53, but this past year it was #66. UConn is only improving in terms of business, and their program in my opinion deserves to be in the top 50. UMass and SUNY Bing have great programs, and I am not 100% on these schools, so whatever. rank them as you wish. Stony is not better than any of them simply because it is not aacsb accredited like the others. I'm not even sure they have an undergrad business program.</p>

<p>Boston College and Babson aren't exactly cheap compared to Boston University...</p>

<p>i think you get more with your money at bc and babson though</p>

<p>Does UPenn Wharton not qualify for some reason, or did you forget it?</p>

<p>penn is not in new england nor new york state........wow!</p>

<p>I don't know what qualifies as "New England" =&lt;/p>

<p>mass, conn, vt, ri, maine, new hamp</p>

<p>Any of the top 50 overall USnews schools in mass, and then you can add U. Maryland. But beyond Mass., there's no top b-schools.</p>

Kinglin, English please, what does that comment mean?</p>

<p>I'd put BU on par with BC, Bentley and Babson for business. It seems like all the Boston area business schools and/or programs are very solid and reputablle. Unfortunately, none are cheap with $40K + annual price tags.</p>

<p>The only truly "better" school as far as prestige and name recognition overall would be BC. However, if you went to either Bentley, Babson or BU and graduated with the same gpa you would have similar opportunities.</p>


<p>wait...most of NY State is classified as New England, you do know that right??!!!</p>