Rank My Colleges: Easiest to Hardest to get in

<p>Hi I made a list of colleges from easiest to get in to hardest, can someone please edit/verify it:</p>

<li>University of VA</li>
<li>Rice University</li>
<li>U of Illinois</li>
<li>U of Washington</li>
<li>U of Wisconsin Madison</li>
<li>California Berkeley</li>
<li>Carnegie Mellon</li>
<li>U of Michigan</li>
<li>Johns Hopkins</li>
<li>U Penn</li>

<p>University is definitely not the easiest to get into (probably before NYU). Dartmouth should also be lower (I think top 5 maybe?).</p>

<p>I can tell you several are not correct to start with. For example, in Dartmouth is not easier to get into than BU, NYU, NU, Cornell, etc. What factors are you using to assess admission difficulty? Using admissions rate and 25:75 SAT range gets you a long ways (UChicago is an exception).</p>

<p>Also, there is no way to assess the Public Us without knowing your state of residence.</p>

<p>To expand on what entomom said, you really need to consider a school’s “fame” factor when viewing the admission rate. Uchicago’s applicants are self selecting; they don’t get many unqualified apps that wouldn’t cut it. On the other hand, there are plenty of HS seniors that say “what the heck, why don’t I apply to HYP and see what happens, it can’t hurt.” </p>

<p>That’s also quite a list…a lot of those schools are quite different from each other; if I were you I’d research them to see where you think you’d be happiest.</p>

<p>well my state of residency is maryland </p>

<p>and yeah thats what im using to judge them. any other help?</p>

<li><p>I agree with entomom, go to [College</a> Navigator - National Center for Education Statistics](<a href=“http://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/]College”>College Navigator - National Center for Education Statistics) and look up the individual admit rates for yourself.</p></li>
<li><p>As skyhigh points out there are a lot of mistakes on that list, one not mentioned is #9. Boston? Boston what? Boston College (BC) or Boston University (BU)?</p></li>
<li><p>The admit rates for in-state and OOS can be quite wide for the state schools. The UCs are very difficult to get into from OOS.</p></li>
<li><p>My guess is UWashington & UIllinois are the easiest to get into, UVA is probably in the middle, (assuming all are OOS apps). Brown is a tougher admit than Penn.</p></li>
<li><p>Why do you care?</p></li>

<p>Ummm…you are way off. Here’s my list. </p>

<p>U of Washington
U of Illinois
U of Wisconsin Madison
U of Michigan
Carnegie Mellon
University of VA
Cal Berkeley
Johns Hopkins
Rice University
U Penn

<p>I agree with SkyHigh- UVa is harder to get into than NYU for most people. The list can be modified in several ways, depending on the applicant’s stats. IMO, Carnegie Mellon for a math/arts person is easier than Dartmouth and Brown.</p>

<p>Boston University has a 59% admit rate (slightly tougher than UWashington). </p>

<p>Boston College has 26% rate roughly equal to Emory, JHU, Chicago & Northwestern.</p>

<p>I agree with admitone.</p>

<p>Im not sure. I thought Boston U was harder, and Boston College wasn’t even in the top 100 </p>

<p>so… I should use admitone’s list? is that right?</p>

<p>Boston College is much more selective than Boston University. Orange Peel have you looked at USNEWS or any guidebooks?</p>

<p>For a student applying from Maryland, AdmitOne’s list is fine. </p>

<p>Michigan, Virginia, Berkeley/UCLA (and UNC) are all much harder to get into from out of state than from in.</p>

<p>Something about this thread has my BS detector pinging away. Maybe it’s that fact that orange peel doesn’t know which Boston he/she is interested in; maybe it’s because orange peel has another thread going about “Is UChicago Better than the Ivies”, where he/she asks the same question, (On the thread, juillat did all the work for orange peel, listing each schools admit rates in descending order). </p>

<p>Mostly what bothers me is orange peel’s apparent unwillingness to do any of the legwork him/herself.</p>

<p>I’m not sure OP would be admitted to University of Washington out of state with the GPA the OP has noted elsewhere on CC. If you all are putting UW as the easiest school for admittance, not sure what that says about the rest of the list :)</p>

<p>Wisconsin is a good school, but it’s really easy to get in.</p>

<p>The thing is, like I already said in a nearly identical thread this OP posted, the selectivity rates don’t really mean anything for an individual student. The admit rate at Stanford is 9%, but that doesn’t mean that each individual student has a 9% chance of admission. A student with high SAT scores and a high GPA, who’s a varsity athlete and the president of his class, has a higher chance of admission than a student with a sub-3.0 average and no extracurricular activities. Similarly, an in-state applicant to Washington or Wisconsin may have a much higher chance of getting in than a similar out-of-state applicant.</p>

<p>Ergo, making this list is a little bit futile since really, there’s no meaningful way to rank order “which school is hardest to get into” that will be relevant to this individual student, particularly without knowing his or her stats. Orange peel could have a 2.4 and a 1400 combined CR+M+W SAT score, and then it would be very difficult for him to get into ANY of the schools on his list.</p>

<p>Berkeley is easier to get into than ucla
and there is no way boston college is easier to get into than wisconsin.
dartmouth should be right after cornell
other than that, that looks about right</p>

<p>UIUC is approximately 97% in state. Each time the legislature tries to increase the % of OOs, there is an outcry.</p>

<p>Old thread is old.</p>