<p>After seeing Toy Story 3, which was absolutely amazing, I figured this thread should be started (also given the fact that there are new university ranking threads started every .4 seconds).</p>
<p>Honestly though, with the exception of the Incredibles and Cars, I loved every single one of these films.</p>
<li>Toy Story</li>
<li>A Bug’s Life</li>
<li>Monster’s Inc</li>
<li>Toy Story 2</li>
<li>The Incredibles</li>
<li>Finding Nemo (I honestly didn’t like this movie at all)</li>
<p>I haven’t seen Cars.
I’m seeing Toy Story 3 today, which probably means Nemo will move to 10.</p>
<li><p>Toy Story</p></li>
<li><p>Finding Nemo</p></li>
<li><p>Toy Story 2</p></li>
<li><p>Monsters Inc.</p></li>
<li><p>A Bug’s Life</p></li>
<li><p>Wall-E (the beginning was great but I hated the rest)</p></li>
<li><p>The Incredibles</p></li>
<li><p>Cars (major fail)</p></li>
<p>What’s funny is that even though Cars is considered Pixar’s weakest film, it’s still an amazing movie.</p>
<p>Pixar could make a film that’s literally a 3D turd on the screen for two hours and they’d do it in a way that gets it a nomination for Best Picture. They are one of the few movie studios left that actually care about the STORY and not just putting explosions and tits on screen for 2 hours.</p>
<p>My favorites are: Toy Story, Finding Nemo and up. They are the top 3 for sure…but I’m not so sure of the order…probably:</p>
<p>1) Toy Story
2) Up
3) Finding Nemo</p>
<p>After that, it gets a little fuzzier. I love Pixar’s movies! The only one I wasn’t a real fan of was Cars. I mean, it’s alright, but not as good as the others. I haven’t yet seen Toy Story 3 so I can’t comment on it or rank it.</p>
<p>Oh…and did you guys know that there will be a Cars 2 and a Monsters Inc. 2? How awful do those sound??</p>
<li>Toy Story</li>
<li>Toy Story 3</li>
<li>Monsters, Inc</li>
<li>Finding Nemo</li>
<li>Toy Story 2</li>
<li>The Incredibles</li>
<li>A Bug’s Life (but I haven’t seen it in awhile)</li>
<p>Top 5 was really hard to choose, because I really do enjoy them all so much, and I’d gladly watch them at any time. </p>
<p>I hated Ratatouille. I don’t know why, but I just didn’t enjoy it in the slightest. I actually haven’t been able to see all of Up, but from what I have, I’d enjoy it way more than Ratatouille. </p>
<p>I can see why people didn’t like Cars, but after my nephew’s obsession with it for the last year, I finally saw it, and it wasn’t bad. I was happy that with that typical type of movie (cocky-guy gets some humble pie and a love interest) they didn’t pull the move where the love interest thinks the cocky-guy didn’t eat his humble pie and pulled some ****** move, and he has to prove to the girl he really changed. If that makes sense.</p>