Ranking Colleges by Prestigiosity

<p>Naturally someone from Duke would want to reopen this thread. </p>

<p>@rjkofnovi you know it! Hahahahaa</p>

<p>The last update I did is below. I don’t really see much different in the most recent discussions on CC (which is the source of the highly scientific data I use to generate these ratings), but I am open to suggestions.</p>



<p>@Hunt, isn’t HMudd a Claremont college? Or does it merit stand-alone CC Darling recognition?</p>

<p>Mudd is indeed one of the Claremont colleges–I list it separately because it is often discussed in the context of STEM-focused schools.</p>

<p>Well this college is (as far as I have seen) pretty rare on CC, but what about West Point Military Academy? I feel like everybody I talk to knows that school, and I also know that many people in China (I’m Chinese) hold it in high esteem so it has international appeal as well. </p>

<p>West Point, and the other service academies, have a kind of prestige that, in my judgment, doesn’t belong on the “prestigiosity” scale. Their admissions process is also quite different from the normal admissions process.</p>

<p>May I propose two corrections:</p>

<p>Duke needs to be below Columbia and possibly below Amherst in some regions. Johns Hopkins’ BME program needs to be evaluated separately.</p>

<p>Hasn’t Tulane earned a spot on the CC Darlings list? It seems to be getting a lot of CC traffic lately.</p>

<p>milliHarvards, I love it. </p>

<p>St. John’s is a CC darling? St. John’s University in Queens? I must be hanging out in the wrong fora. I wouldn’t know it at all except that Darryl of Run DMC went there and rapped about it in Sucker MCs, also I grew up in NY so kinda-sorta knew about it.</p>

<p>I agree Tulane gets a lot of traffic here, the EA decision thread has been very busy this month in particular.</p>

<p>UCB is 900 mH!</p>

<p>Isn’t that a little less?</p>

<p>This thread never ceases to amaze - on many levels. </p>

<p>So, I wasted about 50 minutes doing this, but I think I came up with an alternative system. This basically takes any college a CC member would consider “tier 1” and splits them into different tiers. This is very subjective and relies on the activity of CC in discussing certain colleges and my own bias. Sometimes I think that rankings like milliHarvards are too specific. And this isn’t to say that you can’t love a number 3 tons more than a 1 1. I’ll probably get a lot of disagreements here. I might have missed a few colleges as well. I hope no one has used this system before. Also, I’m not yet a college student, so keep that in mind. Also, it is strange that I have been on CC long enough and have been deeply interested enough in the forum that I recognize the name of every college here
 But then again, how would I create this list without that knowledge?</p>

Amherst College 1 1
Caltech 1 1
University of Chicago 1 1
Harvard University 1 1
Harvey Mudd College 1 1
MIT 1 1
Pomona College 1 1
Princeton University 1 1
Stanford University 1 1
Swarthmore College 1 1
Williams College 1 1
Yale University 1 1
Bowdoin College 1 2
Brown University 1 2
Claremont McKenna College 1 2
Columbia University 1 2
Cornell University 1 2
Dartmouth College 1 2
Duke University 1 2
University of Pennsylvania 1 2</p>

UC Berkeley 2 1
Carleton College 2 1
Carnegie Mellon University 2 1
Georgetown University 2 1
Haverford College 2 1
Johns Hopkins University 2 1
Middlebury College 2 1
Northwestern University 2 1
Olin College 2 1
Reed College 2 1
Rice University 2 1
Tufts University 2 1
Vanderbilt University 2 1
Vassar College 2 1
Washington University in St. Louis 2 1
Wellesley College 2 1
Wesleyan University 2 1
Barnard College 2 2
Colby College 2 2
Colgate University 2 2
Emory University 2 2
Grinnell College 2 2
UCLA 2 2
University of Notre Dame 2 2
Oberlin College 2 2
University of Virginia 2 2
Washington and Lee University 2 2</p>

Bard College
Bates College
Boston College
Bryn Mawr College
Colorado College
Cooper Union
Davidson College
Hamilton College
Kenyon College
Macalester College
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
Pitzer College
University of Rochester
Saint Olaf College
Scripps College
Smith College
University of Southern California
Villanova University
College of William and Mary
Whitman College</p>

<p>A couple of comments–I think Tulane is too well known and popular to be a CC Darling. I’d like to reserve that for schools that are a bit more off the radar screen for many students. The St. John’s on that list is supposed to be the unusual LAC with campuses in Annapolis and Santa Fe.</p>


I can’t help feeling that this comment unfairly calls into question the highly scientific method I use to derive the prestigiosity ratings.</p>


I take Ghostt’s comments seriously (Ghostt is the creator of the “milliHarvard,” after all). However, if we add too many regional corrections, the list will get harder to use. I think Duke has steadily improved its national rep, though.</p>



<p>Aha found it, but it was hard :slight_smile: St. John’s College. A “discussion based” education.</p>

<p>Just throwing this out there, if we are talking prestige Oxford is probably 1500 </p>

<p>Let’s be honest, the history and prestige around it is unbeat and only rivaled by Cambridge</p>

<p>I don’t want to seem too parochial, but there aren’t really that many American students interested in going to Oxford (or Cambridge) for their undergraduate education. This means that those two schools are not really in the prestigiosity running here.</p>

<p>Prestige is not a relative term lol the fact that not many people on here want to go means nothing, there is a big world out there and just because not many Americans want to go does not dispute 1000 years of prestige and incredible contributions to the history of mankind</p>

<p>Please note that this thread is not about “prestige.” Take a look at the very first page. Contributions to the history of mankind are irrelevant to the calculation of prestigiosity.</p>