Ranking Colleges by Prestigiosity

<p>Now that my child has been accepted to School X, I think it is important that School X be moved up the rankings.</p>

<p>Can’t deny the science.</p>

<p>“Prestige is not a relative term lol the fact that not many people on here want to go means nothing,”</p>

<p>Actually, “many people on here want to go” is THE definition of prestigiosity. It really has very little to do with quality.</p>

<p>^ I think that would be the NYU proportion.</p>

<p>@Hunt Would you care to share these methods, or were they stated in previous comments? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.</p>

<p>Check the first post @cosmological</p>

<p>I can’t reveal all the details of my method, because I don’t want USNews to get them for nothing.</p>

<p>It’s only 25 pages to comb through…</p>

<p>Can we distinguish between man or woman in the street prestigiosity, and those in the know–elite hirers and grad/professional school, plus CC posters-prestigiosity? I “think those in the know” would imbue different mHs to the Williams of the world compared to, “Isn’t that in Rhode Island?” assessments. I’m convinced too that there are people out there who hear Yale, and think you’re training to be a locksmith. </p>

<p>There is no such thing as “man in the street” prestigiosity. It’s entirely based on the opinions of the self-selected CC denizens.</p>

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<p>Self-selected CC denizens are at least .999 on the milli-college expert scale so it’s all good.</p>

<p>I actually think the impressions of all the people on CC create a sort of gestalt ranking of colleges that really is about as good as systems like US News, etc. It’s debatable, I suppose, whether my perception of the gestalt is accurate or not.</p>

<p>Indeed, “man on the street” prestigiosity would barely resemble the USNews list at all. </p>

<p>What’s really exciting about prestigiosity is that it may be the first example of using the Internet to virtualize something that wasn’t real to begin with. First we had virtual reality, now we have virtual illusion!</p>

<p>@Mastadon - Using the internet actually brings us closer to reality because, as everyone knows, only the most qualified experts voice their opinions on the internet. Although I’m no expert on the matter, I know for a fact that folks who aren’t educated on one topic or another refrain from participating in internet discussions due to the permanent nature of the medium. This self selection will no doubt mean that prestigiosity will not be plagued by the white noise of uneducated opinions that taints ordinary ‘man on the street’ ideas of prestige.</p>

<p>Prestigiosity brings to mind the now defunct Intrade where you could bet on outcomes ranging from Oscar winners to election winners. In effect, it crowd sourced predictions based on an aggregate of people efficiently using an efficient market of information. Intrade predictions were very accurate. So I agree that prestigiosty is as good a ranking system as any. </p>

<p>Next, I’m going to have my chimp throw darts at a target of colleges to produce the J. Fred Muggs Best Colllege Rankngs. </p>

<p>I guarantee that your chimp will be criticized for undervaluing Berkeley.</p>

<p>^I’m not sure why, but this is my favorite line on the thread :)</p>

<p>Post #136 “nearly no one on CC would choose a school below over one listed above, unless it’s in desperation for the Ivy brand name or if the person really wants an LAC”</p>

<p>Proved you wrong: :slight_smile:
<a href=“***Offical Class of 2019 ED Results ONLY*** - #73 by Cali2019 - Cornell University - College Confidential Forums”>***Offical Class of 2019 ED Results ONLY*** - #73 by Cali2019 - Cornell University - College Confidential Forums;

@bradybest Penn is no way below columbia and Chicago. Also I take issue with splitting penn to wharton and non wharton since the employment stats show no significant differences between the two and at the end of the day wharton is part of penn. It is like saying columbia’s Econ majors place better than the rest of columbia…kind of absurd.

Penn, along with Columbia places firmly just below HYPSM and actually quite close to Yale since it has many strengths where Yale has weaknesses.

Also in terms of employment statistics Penn is better than even Harvard. ( and by Penn I mean all of Penn)

I love when this thread gets resurrected.