Ranking Colleges by Prestigiosity

<p>I think my system is just as “scientific” as most of the other rating systems.</p>

<p>I think Duke and Columbia are now equal, so go with Hunt’s ranking.</p>

<p>Thanks for the vote of confidence! Here’s another way of judging prestigiosity: if you were to post a question saying you were trying to decide between school X and school Y, how many people would post to tell you that the choice is obvious? I don’t think you’d get too many of those if you were deciding between Duke and Columbia–while you would get plenty if you were comparing Duke and Princeton.</p>

<p>Reading this thread with people discussing decimals and things just makes me laugh with happiness.</p>


Tsk, tsk! Haven’t you listened to any of the posters complaining about those universities? Clearly you have to break them down by colleges. I mean, the selectivity of Cornell CAS and engineering deserves at least 985 mH; everyone is just biased against it because it’s so big. Human Ecology, on the other hand, is <em>shudder</em> state-sponsored.</p>

<p>As for Penn, I heard that He Himself has an undergraduate degree from Wharton (though this may just be rumor). As for nursing, well, we don’t talk about THAT college.</p>

<p>That’s how far apart valedictorians are by GPA. Same as it was in 1981.</p>

<p>Harvard: 1000 mH
Yale: 998 mH
Princeton: 998 mH
MIT, Caltech: 997.365782322119 mH
Stanford: 995 mH (998 west of the Mississippi)
Duke: 990 mH (995 south of the Mason Dixon line)
Columbia: 990 mH
Penn (Wharton): 990
Brown: 987
Penn (other than Wharton), Dartmouth: 985 mH
Cornell (CAS and engineering): 980 mH
Chicago: 978
Northwestern, Rice: 975 mH</p>

<p>I get it, Hunt :slight_smile: Prestigiosity is to prestige as truthiness is to truth. Well-played.</p>

<p>Thanks, Pizzagirl. Your opinion counts for a lot–look how many more posts you have than me!</p>

<p>Guys, guys, why not use that scale for programs too?</p>

<p>RSI - 1.692 H
TASP - 1.691 H
USAMO - 1.1106 H</p>

<p>Something like that. I’m missing the scientific tools to determine more precise values.</p>

<p>Dude, USAMO is so much more prestigious than TASP or RSI! I made it to the final interview round for TASP selection but wasn’t even close to scoring enough on the AMC/AIME index to qualify for the USAMO. RSI is probably more prestigious than TASP but only the best of the best young scientists even apply so there’s a lot of self-selection in the applicant pool for the program.</p>

<p>I agree with Hunt, Pizzagirl, after all you have many more posts than me have, too!</p>

<p>How can MIT & Caltech be anything but 3.14159 mH?</p>

<p>Yes, that should be their slice of the pie.</p>

<p>I don’t agree with the proposed list. Here’s mine:</p>

<p>H-d - perfect score, 100%, 1000 mH/1 H, incomparable quality of education, produces demigods
Yale - 989 mH (would be less if we acknowledged the existence of <em>that</em> recruitment video)
Princeton - 983 mH
Stanford - 983 mH, but worse “intangibles”
MIT - 970 mH
Columbia - 965 mH
Caltech - 950 mH (no name recognition compared to Columbia, maybe because it has less sonorants in its name?)
Brown - 948 mH
Dartmouth - 945.5 mH
Duke - 930 mH
UPenn - 928 mH
Northwestern - 899 mH
UChicago - possibly 878 mH (arithmetic mean of the two possible values: 734 mH and 1.022 H; depends on the methodology)
Vanderbilt - 876 mH
Rice - 875 mH
Emory - 871 mH
NYU - 842 mH

Amherst - exactly 500 mH/0.5 H because everyone knows it’s for H-d rejects

Cornell - 321 mH, +320 mH for being in the Ivy league, otherwise a dump

Oxford - heard of, exact value remains unknown, possibly measured in different units, but if measured in mH, it should theoretically be 999

Other universities - 1 mH or don’t exist</p>

<p>“To my eye, Duke has just about come up to Stanford as the “Harvard” of its geographic region.”
-maybe that’s true in each specific region, but from a national standpoint, Stanford is still way ahead of Duke in prestige and prestigiosity.</p>

<p>@ghostt, I have a hard time agreeing that MIT is closer to Columbia (5mH difference) than it is Stanford (13mH difference)</p>

<p>This is the stupidest thread I have ever seen on CC.</p>



<p>You clearly haven’t seen very many threads.</p>

<p>This thread gave me some good laughs. </p>

<p>Keep up the good work.</p>

<p>@mk82492, This tread is clearly built on sarcasm. Anytime a ranking is measured in milliHarvards (commonly known as mH), you can safely assume that it’s just for entertainment purposes.</p>