Ranking Colleges by Prestigiosity

<p>I’d also add Smith to your CC Darlings list. OMG, to read the Smith posters, everything at Smith is perfect for every type of girl from prepster to goth to future i-banker at all times. Really, anyone who’s female should strongly consider it and would absolutely love it there.</p>

<p>Really, compaq10, give it a rest. This is a meta thread.</p>

<p>Is there a ranking of schools based on how much their boosters take every little thing said about their school so incredibly personally, and how upset their boosters get if the suggestion is made that it isn’t the very tippy-top school in everything and there actually might be genuine reasons for people considering that school to go elsewhere? If so, I’m sure putting Duke, Berkeley and Michigan on that list.</p>

<p>Prestigiosity Ratings (in milliHarvards):</p>

<p>Harvard: 1000 mH
Yale: 998 mH
Princeton: 998 mH
MIT (or Caltech): 997.365782322119 mH
Stanford: 995 mH (998 west of the Mississippi)
Duke: 990 mH (995 south of the Mason Dixon line)
Columbia: 990 mH
Penn (Wharton): 990 mH
Williams, Amherst, Swarthmore: 988 mH
Brown: 987 mH
Penn (other than Wharton), Dartmouth: 985 mH
Cornell (CAS and engineering): 980 mH
Chicago: 978 mH
Northwestern, WUSTL, Rice: 975 mH
Johns Hopkins: 950 mH
Tufts, Vanderbilt: 925 mH
University of Virginia: 900 mH (950 in Virginia; 990 in Virginia excluding Northern Virginia)
UC Berkeley: 900 mH
UCLA, CMU: 880 </p>

<p>CC Darlings (in alphabetical order):
Claremont Colleges
Deep Springs
Harvey Mudd

<p>PG, you beat me to it on Smith!</p>

<p>I just wanted to add Emory and Notre Dame, so you can compare how my list compares to US News’ top 20.</p>

<p>Prestigiosity Ratings (in milliHarvards):</p>

<p>Harvard: 1000 mH
Yale: 998 mH
Princeton: 998 mH
MIT (or Caltech): 997.365782322119 mH
Stanford: 995 mH (998 west of the Mississippi)
Duke: 990 mH (995 south of the Mason Dixon line)
Columbia: 990 mH
Penn (Wharton): 990 mH
Williams, Amherst, Swarthmore: 988 mH
Brown: 987 mH
Penn (other than Wharton), Dartmouth: 985 mH
Cornell (CAS and engineering): 980 mH
Chicago: 978 mH
Northwestern, WUSTL, Rice: 975 mH
Johns Hopkins, Emory: 950 mH
Tufts, Vanderbilt, Georgetown: 925 mH
University of Virginia: 900 mH (950 in Virginia; 990 in Virginia excluding Northern Virginia)
UC Berkeley: 900 mH
UCLA, CMU, Notre Dame: 880 </p>

<p>CC Darlings (in alphabetical order):
Claremont Colleges
Deep Springs
Harvey Mudd

<p>I have two things that are not quite making sense to me-</p>

<p>I live south of the Mason-Dixon Line, but people don’t really think Duke is all that great here. People are more interested in UVa, UMich, Harvard, and UNC. Perhaps the south of Mason-Dixon Line rating should be adjusted downwards a little bit for Duke, and UNC and UMich should be added.</p>

<p>Second thing: If you go to Wharton, you are most likely going into i-banking, private equity, or venture capitalism. Employers look at Wharton undergrads, then Harvard, then YP then S. Obviously, Wharton shouldn’t be put equal to Harvard because Harvard has non-business subjects, but perhaps it should be closer because it performs higher in its chosen area. Also, the applicant pool is extremely self-selecting but the acceptance rate still comes pretty close to that of Harvard, and that’s not even mentioning the Wharton dual-degree programs.</p>



I was going to ask if maybe you were from Northern Virginia, or even Maryland, but I see you are apparently from Mississippi. But judging from what I read here on CC (which is all that really matters for the purposes of this rating), I see a lot of people who want to go to Duke.</p>

<p>As to Wharton, you are again confusing matters by introducing facts into this discussion.</p>

<p>With the amount of Duke bashing that occurs on CC, I’d say a more accurate prestigiosity number for the university is somewhere around 985.</p>

<p>The list is becoming too long.</p>

<p>The Duke bashing occurs precisely because of the prestigiosity.</p>

<p>^^Exactly. And this is confirmed by all the Harvard-hating posts and threads on CC. And Harvard is, of course, the very definition of pure prestigiosity - literally the standard by which all others are judged.</p>

<p>Another CC Darling: St. Johns.</p>

<p>Prestigiosity Ratings (in milliHarvards):</p>

<p>Harvard: 1000 mH
Yale: 998 mH
Princeton: 998 mH
MIT (or Caltech): 997.365782322119 mH
Stanford: 995 mH (998 west of the Mississippi)
Duke: 990 mH (995 south of the Mason Dixon line)
Columbia: 990 mH
Penn (Wharton): 990 mH
Williams, Amherst, Swarthmore: 988 mH
Brown: 987 mH
Penn (other than Wharton), Dartmouth: 985 mH
Cornell (CAS and engineering): 980 mH
Chicago: 978 mH
Northwestern, WUSTL, Rice: 975 mH
Johns Hopkins, Emory: 950 mH
Tufts, Vanderbilt, Georgetown: 925 mH
University of Virginia: 900 mH (950 in Virginia; 990 in Virginia excluding Northern Virginia)
UC Berkeley: 900 mH
UCLA, CMU, Notre Dame: 880</p>

<p>CC Darlings (in alphabetical order):
Claremont Colleges
Deep Springs
Harvey Mudd
St. Johns</p>

<p>i agree with Altentrepreneur for the students that are interested in business, wharton is equally sought after as harvard and more than yale or Princeton.</p>

<p>I don’t see many Harvard hating posts…</p>

<p>I dislike Harvard. I save my hate for places like NYU, Ohio State, and Eugene Lang, Tennessee-Chattanooga, Mills, and Yale.</p>

<p>Harvard suxks. Boo. MIT has hotter girls and they could hack the crap out of Harvard :p</p>

<p>Anyways…this thread…is absolutely incredible. You either hate this thread or love it, which I do.
Hunt is a genious hahaha :D</p>


This is counted as one, as long as Harvard is not associated with #1, great… in a mind of 998mH intoxicated, and in the view of Huntentific way. :)</p>

<p>Sorry, Hunt. I am just teasing you. Don’t take it too seriously.</p>

<p>Just did a calculation:</p>

<p>1JH=2000 mH (Reseach spending)
1JH=1000000 mH (school spirit, here is the proof: <a href=“PINK: The Cutest Bras, Panties, Apparel, Beauty, Swimwear, & more”>PINK: The Cutest Bras, Panties, Apparel, Beauty, Swimwear, & more)</p>

<p>Georgetown is tied with Tufts and Vanderbilt? Is it just me, or do people seem to respond with much more recognition and respect for Georgetown than Tufts or Vanderbilt? Most people I know have never even heard of Tufts. I think Georgetown should be at 990 mH.</p>



<p>Hold up… is this true?? I would have never associated MIT with hot girls.</p>

<p>If anything, Harvard has all the rich legacies, hm?</p>