<p>This might be a useful piece of information if you are trying to evaluate the scholarly productivity of an academic department. I use an online publication database called Science Direct available through most university libraries. There are other online publication databases for different subject areas. The important thing is that some online databases allow you to search by "author affiliation". This is the school the author is from.</p>
<p>I tried "physics and astronomy" for example.</p>
<p>Washington University in St Louis was a difficult search. I wound up just using "Washington University" in quotes. But, usually it works best if you type in the entire name in quotes.</p>
<p>The publics were also tricky. The search engine had an "AND' function. To illustrate, I would search for "Los Angeles" "AND" "University of California". I think that worked pretty well for the state schools.</p>
<p>The numbers below are just raw numbers. Raw numbers are meaningful, but if you want publications per faculty member, look up the number of faculty on the school's website and divide.</p>
<p>school, number of scholarly citations in physics/astronomy since 1999</p>
<p>Berkeley 7376
MIT 5762
Caltech 5549
Stanford 5292
Michigan 4437
Illinois 4148
Wisconsin 3907
Cornell 3735
U Maryland College Park 3628
Princeton 3502
Harvard 3331
UCLA 3318
Penn 3119
UC San Diego 2815
Columbia 2699
Chicago 2692
Northwestern 2540
Yale 2463
Notre Dame 2272
U Rochester 2164
Washington U 2152
Johns Hopkins 2010
Duke 1989
Carnegie Mellon 1868
Brown 1746
Virginia 1688
USC 1617
Vanderbilt 1365
Georgia Tech 1321
Rice 1282
UNC Chapel Hill 1231
RPI 1172
Case Western 1000
Emory 631
Tufts 533
Wake Forest 325
Georgetown 282
Dartmouth 236
Harvey Mudd 72
Williams 66
Amherst 44
Swarthmore 34
Pomona 23</p>