Rate my Professor site

<p>What am I missing? The rate my professor site used to be so helpful. Now I can’t find anything. if I click University of Alabama… does anyone know if there is a place to search for a particular professor? If you type in a professor name, it comes up with a huge list of teachers by that name with no aplphabetical order and not any specific school. I feel like I’m missing a button somewhere. </p>

<p>I’m not sure what problem you are having. I just tried it by putting in UA, biology and got this…</p>

<p><a href=“Rate My Professors”>Rate My Professors;

<p>They’ve changed their format, and at first I found it a bit more difficult to navigate, but the info is all still there.</p>

<p>Ahhhh…The teeny tiny pale blue alphabet on the gray background. On mobile device I didn’t see it. Good grief!
Alphabetical order makes things sooo much easier.</p>