Rate my schedule?

<p>I will be a sophomore this year...not thrilled with my 3.01GPA, but whatever. I will be working my butt off this year to pull that up. Here is my schedule!</p>

<p>Biology of Evolution and Diversity MWF 9:00-9:50
Trigonometry MWF 11:00-11:50
Biology lab F 1:00-2:50
Sociology TR 8:00-9:15
Statistical Methods of Psychology TR 3:00-4:45
Child Psychology TR 5:00-6:15</p>

<p>Looks like a well-balanced schedule to me. I always enjoy sociology/psy classes, those should be interesting and easier than the others.</p>

<p>My sociology professor is supposed to be extremely difficult. I am just worried about Trig (I SUCK at math) and Stats…</p>