<p>7 youre a keeper lmao</p>
<p>Strength: Loyal, Romantic ;), can be there for help, funny, in good shape, abs, nice nose lol, pretty smart, slow to anger, listens to all kinds of music, really nice, speaks nice, deeo voice, suprisingly strong considering im pretty skinny, really respectful of adults aha, cooks, writing, poetry.</p>
<p>Weaknesses: PROCRASTINATION. skinny, injury prone, slow to anger, but easy to get angered at material things (phones, ipods, etc.), deep voice, shy sometimes, thinks of screwed up things sometimes…, vengeful when im really mad at someone aha, lazy some of the time.</p>
<p>Hobbies: Football of course, basketball, freestyling, running, hanging with friends, flirtin with girls, making fun of people, talking to people i like, eating, a lot, riding bikes, and best of all, music. :)</p>
<p>Turn Offs: Musty, ugly face, hunchback, to be honest i dont like black girls or asian girls much, smokes, drinks, cusses alot its a childhood thing :/, smokes, drinks, cusses alot, a whore, taller than me (which is rare), thick, too much makeup too many freckles, has a weird voice, conceited, besides megan fox that makes any girl ugly lol</p>
<p>Turn On: White girls ftw lol, short, really skinny, plays sports, has a natural beauty about them, like Salma Hayek or Michelle Rodriguez, or Olivia Munn, gray eyes, those are amazing, likes to joke around, talks alot, has brains, to me beauty’s nothing without brains unless it comes to sex haha</p>
<p>Personal Statement: I’m random, like a funny, outgoing, “hey i know that guy” kind of random, but im everywhere, nerds, jocks, preps, the perfect gray area where i connect with all of them aha</p>
<p>School Achievements: Constant Honor Roll my entire life, math student of the month, Accelerated Program, not much aha :/</p>
<p>Other: Eh… IM AWESOME. lol</p>