Ratio of undergrad/grad in terms of majors? Data

<p>Ratio of undergrad/grad in terms of majors? Data</p>

<p>Is there a way I can find this? I'm interested primarily in the differences between # of grad and # of undergrad in Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and general BioChem majors for this school.</p>

<p>I've looked around without much luck; they seem to not psot this online.</p>

<p>I was hoping people could either point me in the right direction or any insider students know this information.</p>


<p>What could this possibly tell you? Most probably it is some factor of the faculty:student ratio, because each faculty member has a few graduate students at least.</p>

<p>They might have the # of grad students in each area on those websites.</p>

<p>I’m just curious really and looking for trends/data, not really interested in the faculty amount.</p>

<p>For MIT they did have the general department, but none for specific majors (ie. they showed amounts for Engineering, but I did not find any specific on EE)</p>

<p>They do post this information in the registrar’s statistics folder: [Index</a> of /registrar/www/stats](<a href=“Statistics & Reports | MIT Registrar”>Statistics & Reports | MIT Registrar)</p>

<p>Look for the file titled “yreport”. It appears that this is no longer being updated, or that the reports are being posted somewhere else, but this is the only location I know of. The latest report is a few years old.</p>

<p>A more recent chart:</p>

<p>[Enrollment</a> Statistics: MIT Office of the Registrar](<a href=“Statistics & Reports | MIT Registrar”>Statistics & Reports | MIT Registrar)</p>

<p>thanks! gemom your link was very detailed and perfecT!</p>