RD chances for next year

<p>I was wondering what my chances are to get in to Princeton, Columbia, MIT, or something similar:</p>

<p>SAT IIs so far: Math IIC 800, Chem 780, will take US history in May</p>

<p>SAT I so far (will retake): math 800, reading 700, writing 760 (cum: 2260)</p>


<p>All-honors except for spanish, incl honors in all Jewish Studies, and in Hebrew (my school has a dual-curriculum of 3-5 periods a day of Hebrew subjects and 4-6 English subjects)
We have no ranking system at our school, and no weighed GPAs (4.0 = A)
English subjects Freshman (unweighted) GPA of 3.5 (Hebrew subjects: 3.7) (reason: grandfather passed away during beginning of finals, parents went to Europe for that reason, etc)
English subjects Sophomore GPA of 4.05 plus A+ in Music and A- in Art (nothing below A- in any subject either semester, and 2nd semester only A's and A+'s) (Hebrew subjects: 3.8)
English subjects Junior GPA looking to be around 3.9 (with A+ in AP Statistics (there are no APs offered in our school junior year, but I learned Honors pre-calc at home over the first weekend of school and got an A in the final)) (Hebrew subjects: 3.85)</p>

Co-Captain of City Harvest club (we pack Kosher food for the homeless every Wednesday)
Founder and Captain of Midnight Run chapter in my school (we hand out food at "hotspots" in Manhattan every 2-4 Sat. nights
Founder of our school's "charity lottery"
Captain of our school's distinguished track team (I've won our league's 800m races at each meet over the last two years, and I have anchored multiple relays)
Witness and possible capt next year on our school's perenial NY championship winner Mock Trial teams
Offenseman on Varsity Hockey
Co-head of Early Prayer services at my school
Co-head of Teen Prayer services at my synagogue
Math team (maybe a captain next year), and i have been since 5th grade. I've won a AMC 1st place in grade award (7th grade - 75 kids in grade), AMC 3rd place in grade (8th grade), math olympiads 1st place in grade in 6th grade, 2nd place in 7th grade, have done very well in math comps in high school.
Editor (and possible Editor-in-Chief next year) of our school's science maganzine
Future editor of our school's weekend Bible portion pamphlet
Contributing writer for school newspaper and for Hebrew newspaper
Chorus member
Never missed a day of school in my life (!) and never been late for any day of high school ever (does this help?)</p>

About 200 community service hours through high school so far
My school's hours are from 8:00-4:45 every day (i wake up at 630am and get home at 720 (after co-curric) every day)
Will do some volunteer work for a few weeks in the summer
Volunteer lifeguard last summer for a week at an underfunded day camp
Player piano for 6 years already and guitar for 3
Volunteer to lead Bible reading at my synagogue every week in our Teen prayer services
Brown Belt in karate
Certified lifeguard
I have legacy only in Brooklyn College (not considering it at all), NYU (my top safety), Columbia (one of my leading choices), but none for UPenn or Princeton (my top 2).
My high school is relatively hard to get into, and the level of curriculum is very high (and colleges see it that way too). UPenn and Columbia love my school too.
Also, idk if this matters at all, but i got into the Styvesant and Bronx Science high schools (they're prestigious specialized science schools and theyre free) but I decided to go to a religious yet rigorous school instead.
Hook: I'm full of ideas. I reformatted and restructured out school's science magazine, started two very successful volunteer groups at school (Midnight Run and Charity Lottery). In addition, I have never ever missed a day of school or been late to any day of high school, which proves my reliability and punctuality (I'm going to write a college essay about that)</p>

<p>I would do more co-currics (even though I have tons already) if i didnt have a dual-curriculum at school (I get home at 720 each day rather than around 3 like most high schools do, and i have to wake up at 630 every morning, and i head a prayer service at 735) </p>

<p>Please give me some feedback</p>

<p>LOL only in America do we have charity lotteries, it's like my state, the HOPE scholarship is funded by the state lottery...</p>

<p>You seem to have about as decent a chance as anyone - pretty amazing schedule really, I've done duel curriculum before, it's not easy. The EC's, GPA and SAT's are all pretty good, especially for a junior. Give all the colleges a shot! </p>

<p>Princeton and Harvard have been competing for random diversity it seems, so there isn't really any guaranteed in or out.</p>

<p>We have the exact same SATI score in all parts!</p>

<p>any1 else plz?</p>

<p>i would not recommend using your attendance as a hook. it just shows that you have not been extremely sick or had an accident in coming to school. i also would have not missed a day if uncontrollable events had not happened (i missed 2-3 before senior year) and many of my friends have not missed a single day. a 103 fever is something that is not under our control, and yes you can still choose to go to school, but that would be endangering other people. im sure you have many other qualities to write about in your essays. anyways...solid shot, i estimate about 11% chance just like the rest of us good luck.</p>