RD Chances

<p>White Male from Metro Orlando
GPA: 4.368 (I moved after soph. year and the tranfer of some credits killed it)
Rank: 21/685 (Top 3%)
ACT Composite: 31 (English - 34, Math - 31, Reading - 31, Science - 29)
SAT: BLAH! 2060 (Math - 650, CR - 710, Writing - 700)
Essay: Good
Recs: I have great recs from my AP Art History teacher and Jesus.
Micro Econ - 3 (10th)
Euro Hist - 4 (10th)
Art Hist - 5 (11th)
US Hist - 5 (11th)
World Hist - 5 (11th)
Eng Lang - 4 (10th)
Current Classes:
AP Eng Lit
AP Environmental Sci
AP Psych
AP US Gov/AP Comparative Gov
AP Stat
AP Human Geography</p>

Teenage Republicans (10, 11, 12)
• Co-Founder and President of the Blue Valley West High School Teenage Republicans (10)
• Founder and President of the Central Florida Federation of Teenage Republicans (11, 12)
• Florida Teenage Republican Council Board Member (11, 12)
• Volunteer Coordinator and Member of the 3rd District US Congressional Race Debate Committee (10)</p>

<p>Varsity Debate and Forensics (9, 10, 12)
• Voted by peers as the ‘Top Novice Debater’ at Blue Valley West (9)
• Voted by peers as the ‘Top Sophomore Debater’ at Blue Valley West (10)
• Voted by peers as the ‘Top Novice Researcher’ at Blue Valley West (9)
• Voted by peers as the ‘Top Novice Forensics Speaker’ at Blue Valley West (9)
• State Qualifier (9, 10)
• In-Squad Tournament Champion (9)</p>

<p>Student Government (9, 11, 12)
• Class of 2006 Treasurer (9)
• Safe-School Ambassador (11, 12)
• Class Representative (12)</p>

<p>Junior-Varsity Baseball (9, 10)
• Team Member (9, 10) </p>

<p>Latin Club (9, 10, 11, 12)
• Latin Club Vice-President (9)
• Latin Club President (10)
• Latin National Honor Society Secretary/Treasurer (10)
• Club Member (11, 12)</p>

<p>Volunteer Work and Community Service (9, 10, 11, 12)
• ‘JAG’ Math Tutor (9, 10)
• Novice Level Debate Judge (10, 12)
• Republican Congressional and Presidential Campaigns (10, 11, 12)</p>

<p>Model United Nations Club (11, 12)
• Club Member (11, 12) </p>

<p>Awards and Honors
Teenage Republicans
• “Most Outstanding Teenage Republican Club in the Nation” (10)
• “Most Outstanding Website in the Nation” (10, 11)
• Delegate to the National Teenage Republican Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. (11)
• Delegate to the Kansas Republican Convention (10)
• Fundraised over $9000 for both the Blue Valley West and Central Florida Teenage Republican Chapters (10, 11, 12) </p>

<p>Kansas Junior Classical League Latin Competition
• 3rd Place in Kansas – Latin Grammar (9)
• 4th Place in Kansas – Mythology (10)
• 5th Place in Kansas – Roman History (9)
• 2nd Place at Florida Regional Competition – Mythology (8)</p>

<p>Academic Awards
• AP Scholar with Distinction (11)
• National Merit Commended Scholar (11)
• Social Studies Departmental Award (9, 10)
• Foreign Language Departmental Award (9)
• Principal’s Academic Excellence Award (9, 10, 11, 12)
• Presidential Community Service Award (9, 10, 12)
• AP Art History Bronze ‘Roman Coin Award’ (11)
• Blue Valley Optimist Club Sunflower Leadership Award (9, 10)
• Undergraduate Academic Achievement Award (10) </p>

<p>Athletic Awards
• Eastern Kansas League Scholar-Athlete (9, 10) </p>

<p>Letterman Awards
• Debate (9, 10)
• Forensics (10)
• Academics (10) </p>

<p>Professional Memberships
National Forensics League (9, 10, 11, 12)
• Double Ruby Level Member
National Honor Society (12)
Science Honor Society (12)
English Honor Society (12)
Social Studies Honor Society (12)
Latin National Honor Society (10, 11, 12)
National Junior Classical League (9, 10, 11, 12)</p>

<p>You're fine. I got in EA with a 3.6 and a 29. </p>

<p>How exactly do you get a rec from Jesus?</p>

<p>haha, i just wanted to see if anyone noticed. thanks for the response.</p>

<p>Why would a Republican want to go to Miami? Wouldnt put that on the application.</p>

<p>if i get rejected because of my political affiliation, you'll be the first to know. and, i never actually indicated that I wanted to go to Miami - i've applied, but i'd only attend if i got rejcted from all of my other colleges (which is indeed a moot point since i got in EA to an elite northeast university).</p>

<p>buffi, didn't I see that you were accepted binding ED to GWU ? Aren't you withdrawing all your apps or does GWU have some different version of ED? If so, I wish I'd known although D already has some "northeastern" schools on her list. Brrrr.</p>

<p>Is GWU in D.C. the "elite northeast university" you speak of in your post? Isn't it #53 to Miami's #55? I don't quite understand all this ED and elite stuff. I just know that plenty of kids with even higher stats than what you posted (which are great btw, congratulations. Is the ACT a 31 or a 32? ) are seriously considering Miami.</p>

<p>I would have liked to have my D apply ED somewhere "elite" but we couldn't afford not to compare offers and didn't want to be ethically bound to accept someone else's definition of meeting our need. I'm glad you and your family were able to make that commitment. I hope you enjoy your time at GWU, I hear it's great .</p>

<p>buffi, I went back and checked and EA seems to be a lot different than ED. Did you get in "EA to an elite Northeastern university" AND to GWU ED? Wow-ee. That's got to be tough, huh?</p>

<p>dude you dont have to list that many ec's..many of them seem insignificant
you have great chance..</p>

<p>The ACT, although it averages to a 31.25, is still technically a 31 :-( </p>

<p>Yes, i was accepted ED to the Elliot School of International Affairs at GW (the premier school for international politics - it consistantly outranks princeton's woodrow wilson school in number of foriegn service officials, etc. - recent graduates of Elliot Include Colin Powell and Ken Starr). Although the ED at GWU is binding, they don't require that applicants for financial need withdraw all other applications once they are accepted (hence, I thought it would be quite foolish to not apply to other places in the event of a poor offer from the fin. aid department); I already received 24K in merit aid, but that's only a drop in the bucket at GW. So, ultimately, I chose to apply to Miami in case things at GWU don't work out.</p>

<p>haha, i meant to say ED...i had EA on the brain for some reason. so many acronyms!</p>