RD Engineering Accepted 2020

From Chapel Hill, NC, applied into Engineering (CS), with secondary majors psychology and biology.
Private school most of high school, some public. Accepted in late Feb.

SAT: 570®, 660(M), 670(W)
ACT:34(E), 34(M), 31 ©
gpa: 3.73 unweighted, 4.4 weighted (out of 4 and 5)
No APs offered, took hardest available classes.
I currently have about 35 credits, all except for about 7 were honors.
Just under 100 service hours
Had a yearlong internship at a local computational science foundation, volunteered there
Worked about 1.5 years in both construction and landscaping
Founded a Computer Club, was cofounder and leader for 2 years
Regularly played soccer (3yrs) and ultimate frisbee (4+yrs)
Did three prompts, were concise and well written
Two recommendation letters, were both probably good - idk if they were read tho (VT allows rec letters but doesn’t necessarily read them)
Created my own website, helped numerous groups and friends with theirs
Helped with yearbook and school marketing, took sport photos
Leadership: Class treasurer and officer (2yrs), organized class fundraisers, sports captain, club founder and leader

I plan on taking the AP CS test and the AP Calc AB test (possibly BC).

I also applied into VThonors, still have yet to hear back about that.
I don’t think this made any difference, but I visited VT twice, met with a research professor and his lab crew, sat in on classes, and practiced with the ultimate team. I also applied to UNCA (as backup), NCSU, UNC-CH, and Stanford. VT is my top choice, and I will most likely be matriculating soon. My first impressions of the campus were great, and they haven’t changed. It’s a beautiful campus and area (although Blacksburg is a little small for me), it offers some amazing programs that I want, the people are nice, the food is amazing, and I love the outdoor activities offered around it (skiing, hiking, rafting/kayaking, etc). I also identify very strongly with the slogan (Ut Prosim) which means “that I may serve”; I love to help people with whatever I can.

I’d be happy to chance people who haven’t gotten in, hear other’s thoughts on VT, and I would love to hear from grads or current students if you have any suggestions about how to get the most out of VT (classes, social life, research opportunities, jobs, study abroad, etc) or how to contribute to it.

I got slightly higher SAT’s and I was worried they will be laughed at (not literally) by the engineering admissions office. thanks for posting this for reminding everyone that you don’t necessarily need a perfect SAT if you’re a well rounded student.

Açcepted into engineering
SAT: 650 M, 620 CR
Approx. 4.1GPA (weighted) (3.86 unweighted)
Took moderately challenging couse load 6 APs/IBs, 6 HNs
Good EC’s
*Wrote 3/3 essays
From Nova

I really don’t know how I got in, except what I stared above may have helped me. My SAT was kinda low especially being from Nova, and I am white so I really don’t know. Also my unweighted GPA was pretty high…