Re-enrollment at current school is due before M10. How manage?

I have a son at a private day school. While he generally likes the school, he is considering applying to a few boarding schools. But the re-enrollment contract for his current school is due prior to M10. How do people manage this? There is a $2500 deposit (and I think we may even be committed to the full tuition) that I’m sure we would not get back if he subsequently gets accepted to a great boarding school on M10 and decides to attend. But if we don’t do the re-enrollment on 3/1 at his current school, we may be scrambling to find another school if the news is bad on M10. Please advise. Thx!

I’m not a prep,school parent…what is M10?

March 10. The day admissions decisions are released

Thank you!

Explain the situation to the current school and ask for an extension. Most often, they’ll understand.


I agree. The current school will already be aware that he is applying elsewhere since they will be writing recommendations and sending transcripts. Just be upfront and honest and they should give you an extension to sign the re-enrollment.


We were upfront and explained that this was really about boarding school not another day school in the area. The school worked with us. Open conversation esp since they already know given the recos /transcripts. It is really till April 10 as you may need time to decide and revisit the schools vs your current one. Suggest leaving the wiggle room if possible.


IME, they will extend the deposit/re-enrollment contract deadline for you under these circumstances.

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I have had mixed experiences on asking for an extension. If the spot is not likely to be filled then they’ll tell you you can hold off paying but if it’s a competitive school they may ask you to pay the deposit. Usually you’re not beholden for the entire tuition until the summer. Either way, when the time gets closer just reach out to the school and have an open conversation about it.


FWIW I had to pay (and then forfeit) the deposit at my previous school. They extended a bit past M10 but wouldn’t wait until A10.


I know families who lost their deposits by holding spots at day schools that had earlier response dates. These were not necessarily current schools. The schools agreed to treat the forfeited deposit as a charitable donation.

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While some schools may be accommodating until A10, IME, they’re in the minority. I would think that extending until ~M15 is fair and reasonable. If the kid got an acceptance on M10, they should either know that they want to leave the current school or they don’t.


Very helpful. Thanks, all!