<p>As the day nears for me to greatly reduce my work hours or leave my job to start the last two years of my BA degree, I am stressing about what to do with my current debt.</p>
<p>I am an independent student in my 30s. I attended community college part time while working full time. I paid for CC and books in cash. I have been admitted to UC Berkeley and will be starting there this year. I'm a resident of California, so will luckily be paying in-state fees, but the cost of living in the Bay Area is very high (I know, I've been living here for almost 10 years). I almost chose to go back to Utah for school, which would have been slightly cheaper even with out-of-state tuition, but I really wanted to attend Cal instead. I also turned down a much more expensive private LAC, which had given me a large, but not large enough, scholarship. Because of my high personal EFC, UC Berkeley offered only unsubsidized loans and a very small undergrad scholarship/grant (part of which was reduced by a couple of private scholarships I won).</p>
<p>When I start school at UCB, I will not be working full time, and therefore, will hardly be making enough money to pay rent, let alone credit card debt. I do not consider myself to be in over my head in debt and always pay more than the minimum, at least double, on all of my cards. I don't consider myself to be above average in debt, either, but I don't know...(I have had friends with more than $25k in credit card debt alone, which I've never hit). I don't own a car, don't have a mortgage. If I pay just the minimum credit card payments, I will be paying about $400/month. I know, I haven't been that smart about credit cards, but... I am kind of freaking out about how to pay this each month and still live/eat/enjoy life a bit while at school, let alone pay rent and utilities and pay for school. I am very frugal, usually, in that I hardly have any other bills and hardly ever buy new clothes or new anything. I hardly ever go out. I can't see any way to reduce my cost of living much more, except to cut out traveling, which I already plan to do (haha traveling to Europe too much is how I earned my debt).</p>
<p>At this point, the only thing I can see to do is to cash out my 401k, which would give me just enough to pay off my credit cards and possibly pay rent for a few months. But I know that is the wrong thing to do, so everyone says, or is it? Other than possibly affecting my bottom line for my FA in 2009-2010, and other than having to completely start my retirement fund over, in this day of negative "gains" (ie lots of mutual fund losses), is it really that bad to cash out the 401k?</p>
<p>I've toyed with the idea of re-applying to the Univ of Utah for 2009, going back to SLC now and working while not being in school so that I can save some money, pay off more debt, and gain residency, BUT, I really want to attend Berkeley and just finish the BA in 2 years. I really think I would regret giving up the chance to attend a terrific school such as Berkeley. (Can anyone tell me that the U of U would be just as good?)</p>