Reach Schools!

<p>Hi so I am going to be applying to colleges and I need help with choosing reach schools that I've got a shot at.</p>

17 years old
Currently living in Southern California
Peruvian citizen, Spanish citizen, and American Citizen (bi-lingual)
Overall GPA: 3.75</p>

<p>Freshman GPAs: 3.62, 3.6
Sophmore GPAs: 3.83, 3.6
Junior GPA: 3.82, 3.87
Senior GPA: (realisticly predicted) 4.0-4.1
ACT: 32</p>

Varsity Cross Country for 3 years (including this year)
Varsity Track 2years (including this year)
Varisty Surf Team 2 years (including this year)
President of EDM (electronic dance music) club
Special Camp For Special Kids (2 years) Non profit
BreakThrough (2 years) Non Profit
Acres of Love (4 years) Non Profit
Interniship at Children's Hospital of Orange County
I play in a band
I play 3 instruments (piano, bass guitar, cajon(peruvian instrument))
Part of a Theater troop (out of school)
Several Musicals and Plays (in and out of school)</p>

2 year League Cross Country Team Champion
2 year CIF Cross Country Team Champion
2 year State Cross Country Team Champion
2012 800 meter Tack and Field League finals Medalist
Headmasters Honors 3 Semesters
Honor Roll 3 Semesters
Tri-Sport Varisty Athlete Award 2011-2012</p>

<p>Taken 5 AP courses and 2 Honors level courses</p>

<p>I go to a rigorous and prestigious small private college preparatory school with a very good reputation.</p>

<p>Those are just the quick info and stats about me. Interview wise I am a very good good with talking to adults and the Interviews are definetly a strong point for me.</p>

<p>Reach Schools I was thinking about:
Notre Dame
Boston College
Carnagie Melon
UC Berkley or UCLA

<p>Are any of the Ivy League schools within reach?</p>

<p>Another reach school that I should Apply too, look into, or think about?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>Seems like you would have a chance at all of them. Can you post which AP classes did you take in junior year and your AP test scores? Also, post your SAT subject test scores if you have taken them.</p>

<p>No Notre Dame-USC-Cal-UCLA-Tufts and Columbia-Ivies. Your GPA is not high enough. Only thing that could change it is if your are a state individual champion in sports and you are being recruited. I hate being discouraging but if you look at historical data you will see my statement is supported. Also my DS with better GPA Mexican-American and better awards and from same part of the country rejected from some of the schools on my No list just a couple of years ago. You also have to deal with the in-state UC issue happening these days too. </p>

<p>Now I do believe that everyone should dream so just put a couple of those schools on your list. But realistically you are below the bottom 25% percent of accepted students at most of the schools on my “no” list (Tufts may be the only exception). </p>

<p>Interview can’t make up for grades-it only helps when you have the grades. Sorry.</p>

<p>I think the California universities on that list will be very difficult. Ivies very unlikely. But you could try one or two of the out-of-state schools, especially if you can write excellent essays and make a case as to why you want to go to that particular university. You should consider the type of place you want to study – Tufts and Notre Dame are kind of different, aren’t they? Keep in mind that they are “reach” because they are difficult (and unlikely) for admission, and you should have a good list of realistic schools both among the UCs and privates.</p>

<p>I agree with the above, if that is your weighted GPA, it is probably too low. Unless you absolutely rocked the SAT or ACT, I’d look a little lower down the rankings with maybe one or two just to see. How did you do on the PSAT? If your score was over 185 or so (can’t recall the exact number for our division) you need to look into the National Hispanic Recognition Program. Search NHRP here and you will get lots of information. I am convinced it was the “tipper” to his getting in to the University of Chicago and getting a $10,000 scholarship. It also helped with a lot of other school admissions and $, if you or anyone else wants a list of schools, just post and I will give more specifics.</p>



<p>The first page of threads on this forum has information on qualifying for NHRP and colleges that offer scholarships, and links can also be found in the Resources sticky thread at the top of this forum.</p>



<p>Please add your information to this thread, and it will help many in future years:</p>

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