Read my essay and rate please

<p>Any feedback or criticisms would be appreciated greatly!</p>

<p>Significant Experience.</p>

<p>It was all over my hands. The putrid smell could have easily been compared to fresh cow manure on a hot summer’s day. After washing my hands profusely, I could still smell it. On my way outside to the trash can, because some things simply should not remain in the house, I was frustrated with my parents for making me watch my sister that night, for everyone knows a teenager has better things to do at ten o’clock on a Monday night.</p>

<p>The news of a new sister is not as easily digested as Gerber Organic Stage 1 Sweet Potatoes. There I was sitting, watching T.V., still in control of what channel was on. A fluorescent pink bag bobbed up and down, intimidating me with every step my parents took. As it came into sight, I saw a cute, pink tote bag filled with lovely baby necessities. “You know how we always wanted an addition to the family…”After that, my memory gets fuzzy, but I do remember wondering how my parents were still able to do “that”.</p>

<p>I was pessimistic about the whole situation. It would have been much easier if the ultrasound would have said it was going to be a boy. To me, there was zero benefit to having a baby sister when you are fifteen. The crying and screaming would prevent me from sleeping, more bills would prevent me from getting things that I wanted, and worst of all, dirty diapers that would put me on the brink of insanity. Besides, I’d be in college when she was two. My sister and I would bond as much as an arrogant mountain lion and a helpless doe.</p>

<p>On January 2nd, 2008, my life would forever change. Holding her for the first time was a sensation that I have never felt before, an endorphin rush. I got the feeling like I had been punched in the gut, but in a soothing way of course. Her little fingers squeezed mine so tightly, I had to pry them loose before I could go home.</p>

<p>I often need to deeply inhale, and then let out a prolonged exhale. I find my keyboard unplugged and my speaker overturned, my tendency was to scream for my mother. Now, I kind of chuckle and proceed to fix it myself. Everyone comments on how smart she is. When I hear this, I roll my eyes and act as if I could care less. The time she called 911, was not an accident, but a devious ploy. Deep down though, I think sometimes she is going to be smarter than me. </p>

<p>Friends are always commendable and will usually help you when you’re in trouble. My sister though, is someone that will be bonded with me for life. Although I’ve only known her for not even two years, I feel as if I have known her for my entire life. She will never go to bed without giving me a hug and kiss. A couple of years ago, I never could have imagined life with a sibling, today I cannot imagine life without one. Whenever I am asked to babysit, I don’t ask for money and I rarely say no. I don’t feel any obligation; rather I do it because I want to. I know one thing for sure though, every time I watch her, she is sure to leave me a “little present.”</p>

<p>I would not recommend posting your essay on an open forum just in case there are admission officers. Also, yo do not want people stealing your ideas.</p>

<p>you need to include more explaining what your sister made you learn about yourself. and the end is a little more nasty than funny</p>