Realistically, which UCs am I looking at?

<p>So I’m having trouble deciding which UCs to apply for. I have a weighted GPA of 3.92 and an SAT score of 1790, although I retook it this month and I feel like I did a lot better, so possible a slightly higher score. I’m a swimmer, in my school’s marching and concert band, do community service, and am in about 7 clubs. I’d like to go to UC Berkeley even though it’s a long shot. However, which UCs do I have a shot at?</p>

<p>are you a CA resident?</p>

<p>Yes I am a CA resident</p>

<p>can your family afford each of them? have you run the net price calculator and talked to your parents about what they will contribute?</p>

<p>UC GPA? <a href=“GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub”>;/a&gt;&lt;br&gt;
Intended major?</p>

<p>With current Stats:
UCD/UCSB/UCI: High Match/Low Reach
UCSD/UCLA/UCB: Reach</p>

<p>Your GPA is competitive but SAT score slightly low for most of the UC’s. Great essays and unique EC’s may give you a boost. Hope for at least a SAT of 1900 for more choices. Intended major will also factor into your chances.</p>

<p>Good Luck.</p>

<p>Price doesn’t matter. And does “Reach” mean that I don’t really have a shot?</p>

<p>Reach means it is a long shot at this point. You would want an SAT of 2100 to be competitive for UCLA and UCB.</p>

<p>^^agree with Gumbymom^^ your scores are not competitive for those schools. a 1790 is just too low.</p>

<p>Any chance at a retake for the SAT in December??? </p>

<p>Nope, I’m just waiting for my scores for this month.</p>

<p>You are a good candidate for UCM, perhaps UCR and have an outside shot at UCSC.
Good luck.</p>