Really Important Questions that should be Answered!

<p>Okay, seriously, here are some important questions that need to be answered:</p>

<p>1.) I remember reading once on College Board that you could hide a score (like on a Subject Test)... for a fee of course. Like, if the score was good enough for StateU but not good enough for Harvard, you could hide the score from Harvard for $10 or something. DID I DREAM THIS? Because now I can't find it...</p>

<p>2.) When a college says you can submit EITHER the ACT OR the SATI + 2 Subject Tests... and you just submit the ACT and no subject tests or SAT, will it hurt you at all?</p>

<li><p>"Score choice" was at one time available for the subject tests, but has not been an option for several years. I believe the ACT allows this, though.</p></li>
<li><p>Why would it hurt you? You followed the instructions by performing one of the allowed options. The ACT has subjects built into it (tests on social studies and science as well as math and critical reading).</p></li>

<li>is also available on AP exams.</li>