REALLY QUICK question?

hello community~!!
this didn’t really have a section so please don’t hate on me for putting this here.
I didn’t really realize what it would take for me to get into my dream schools, until I visited some of them myself. I’m a freshman in high school but I was visiting colleges this week because my sister is trying to get recruited and was meeting with some coaches. anyway, I visited numerous campuses including, Georgetown and John Hopkins, and I REALLY want to attend school there, particularly Georgetown. I fell in love with the schools. Both schools mentioned that they need to know that students are taking those AP classes and academically challenging themselves. this is where my heart sunk and I need your help! I’m not very good at math and I am taking an A level. I’m currently taking Algebra 2A. (for reference, again, I’m a freshman). I do have the opportunity to take AP Multi Variable and Calc AB in junior and senior year (provided I excel Pre Calc A in sophomore year), however do you think this low level class choice will impact my acceptance into these schools? I can override my way up into Pre Calc Honors next year as I am excelling Algebra 2A (except for a gigantic slip in my midterm as I thought it was a joke but I realize now I was stupid) but I KNOW for a fact that class will be extremely difficult for me. I hope that all made sense and I’m really torn between doing well in a class and challenging myself, please help! I don’t know which math class to take next year!
thank you!!

Obviously this is not a “REALLY QUICK question”.

Nor is this the place to put this question…

But, if you want to get into extremely selective schools, then take the harder math class. Also know that if you take the class you’ll still probably not get into Georgetown, or JHU. Think about it. Out of 100 students, Georgetown rejects 83 of them. JHU rejects 85 out of 100. I’d assume most of these applicants probably took the harder math class.

That doesn’t mean it’s not fine to aim high. Go for it! You could be one of those 17 out of 100 that Georgetown takes. Or one of the 15 of 100 that JHU takes. But don’t bet on it. Don’t put yourself under extreme pressure (by say spending hours and hours on this math class next year) when the odds are not in your favor. Heck, don’t put that type of stress on yourself because on the chance that you do well in the class and get into an elite college, you’d likely have to spend hours and hours on your math classes there so that you could get x job, where you would feel extreme stress to get x promotion, where you’d feel extreme stress to impress x person etc.

If I were you, I would ask yourself which class would be better suited to you based not just on whether it would help you get into an elite college, but on your intellectual capacities and your mental health.

Also, you’re a freshmen. Meaning your college choices right now are most likely going to wildly differ by the time you apply to college. For example, my freshmen year I didn’t even think about college whatsoever. At best I thought I’d go to a state school. My sophomore year I started thinking about Reed. My junior year I was set on Harvey Mudd and Williams. When it came time to apply, I didn’t end up applying to any of them (though had I had more time I would’ve applied to Harvey Mudd and Reed. Williams I withdrew my application because I felt it wouldn’t be a good fit). Point is, you’re a freshmen. If you want to get into an elite school, focus on getting solid grades right now. It’ll give you a hell of a lot more confidence if you have good grades to back up your aspirations.

Best of luck.

thank you so much that was really helpful!! I appreciate your time and sorry for putting it in the wrong section