Really Really Unfair Teachers

<p>I think it's great to have at least one unfair or harsh teacher. That way, when you get to college and professors care a lot less (albeit not necessarily unfair or apathetic), it won't be a complete shock</p>

<p>I've had so many teachers like that. This year, I've had the worst of them. Seriously, it's not cool to be such a db senior year. Make that---ever.</p>

<p>our notoriously perverted PE teacher grades by how much <em>ahem</em> cleavage/ skin the girl is showing. seriously. the girl would NEVER dress out, NEVER run miles, participate, and yet get A's. and it's not an isolated case either. plus he leers at girls, touches them inappropriately and choked a student. WHY ISN'T HE FIRED YET !!!</p>

<p>0.o I swear you're in my class. The EXACT same thing is happening to me, except my principal is aware of what she's doing and 'looks' the other way because we can't afford to fire her and hire another teacher.</p>