really strange case: should i bother?

<p>I'm junior in HS.
I take college classes in community college (full load). I work as a software developer (part-time -- C++/C# stuff) in a local software shop (25-35 hrs/wk, depending on deadlines hitting us). In addition to all, I run varsity track. But yeah, just because there's not a lot of people so there's no JV :)) My times suck.</p>

<p>The problem is, I failed two classes in HS and my GPA sucks big time (2.6?).</p>

<p>The question is:</p>

<p>a) Should I even bother going to college? I can land jobs without a college degree. Just maybe with a bit more hardships.
b) If I should, would I bother applying as a freshman anywhere at all? Or I'll just wait it out and transfer somewhere, get degree and continue working.</p>

<p>for all I care, Gatez didn't get a degree :)</p>

<p>College allows you to make more money then High School so i would suggest going to a state college</p>

<p>It used to be doable without a degree. I have two friends who started out just like you and one now works at Microsoft and the other at NBC. I'll also add that they had tough times on their way to financial security, and this was during a time when computer people were in super high demand. </p>

<p>I say finish the CC degree with As and then transfer to a 4 year program - no one will look at how you did in high school at that point. I just think the time is past to be able to go to the top in this field without a degree.</p>

I say finish the CC degree with As and then transfer to a 4 year program - no one will look at how you did in high school at that point. I just think the time is past to be able to go to the top in this field without a degree.


Thanks, that's pretty much what I was thinking about. Guess I just need a piece of paper that says I'm bachelor and degree in mathematics or computer science will be fun to do anyway :)</p>

<p>I feel really out of the way and sometimes like I'm gonna miss college life or something but then again, there are benefits :)</p>