I have asked this question before, but not no one really gave me a correct answers.</p>
<li>How does reapplying to the same graduate school but in a different field affect your application. Like I applied to engineering last year, and I am currently applying to physics since I am a physics major. A lot of school ask you the question- Have you applied previously?</li>
<p>I want to know if it would seem unfocussed switching programs</p>
<p>In addition, do professors go back and review the files of previous applications even if it is for a different department?</p>
<p>I know princeton and yale merge your previious application so professors can see everything- I kind of cancelled out both schools because of this, since it would not make sense for me to apply for engineering and then next year apply for physics.</p>
<p>Please if people could let me know asap what they think, that would be great</p>