Recommend me schools based on these stats?

Hi everyone! I’m a senior applying to schools now and I would like to get a better idea of where I should apply. I already have two schools I am applying ED and EA to, so I’m crafting my regular decision schools list. I’m from NJ and I’m an Asian girl.

My GPA is ~3.7 UW / 4.13 W (should be at least a 4.2 W by the end of first semester senior year; I’m taking 6 APs this year so it will definitely inflate it). I’ve taken basically the hardest course rigor, with all my core classes being either honors or APs. I go to a competitive medium-sized public school.

My SAT score is a 2370 (800 CR, 770 M, 800 W), and I have some subject tests, 790 USH, 790 Lit, 700 Bio-E (not sure if I’ll send that one). My AP scores from junior year are APUSH (5), AP Lang (5), AP Calc AB (4), and AP Physics 1 (2; not reporting).

My ECs are pretty strong, with my main “spike” being writing. I’m the Editor-in-Chief of the Lit Mag at my school and have won many regional awards and one/two national ones (nothing crazy prestigious though). I also play viola at the All-State level and have been the principal violist for my school for all of high school. I have other ECs but I’m not mentioning them to keep this post short. I’m working hard on my essays and supplements, teacher/counselor recs should be great.

Biggest concern is my GPA, which is on the low side for top schools but still pretty solid. I’m not looking into LACs at the moment. Looking for schools with some prestige/name factor (this is more of my parent’s request honestly), and in an urban/suburban setting (should be near a big city). I’m planning on majoring in the social sciences or humanities on the Pre-Med track (this may or may not work out). Thank you guys in advance!!

You don’t say anything about your budget or whether you need financial aid.
If you want an urban/suburban research university in the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic that is generous with need-based aid but slightly less selective than most of the Ivies, consider JHU, Boston College, or Tufts. If need-based aid is not a very important factor, consider Carnegie Mellon or NYU. Somewhat less selective/prestigious possibilities might include George Washington or American U. If you don’t qualify for need-based aid but want a lower price than most private schools charge, consider the University of Maryland or the University of Pittsburgh. For an even lower price, consider the state flagship in your home state.

“Pre-Med track (this may or may not work out)” that is what weeder classes are for.a lot of people come to understand that organic chemistry or a class on cell biology is beyond their abilities and quickly change to sociology or something else. same goes for a lot of freshman engineering and computer science majors.
I like tk21769 would recommend University of Pittsburgh. (that school has a lot going on as does the city of pittsburgh)

also carnegie mellon …but that is a very competitive school to get into.(if you visit u of pitt…carnegie is across the street you can visit both)

Try using supermatch function on CC.

Thank you for the responses so far! Just to clarify, I do not qualify for financial aid and do not need it.

If you’re a premed, you need to AVOID colleges with “weeder” science classes. So, not JHU or CMU.
American would be good for social science and wouldn’t be more killer than normal for premed science.
You probably have a shot at Georgetown and all the top universities, but do you need us to cite top research universities? :smiley:
Rice, URochester would be good picks.
You should try to get into some Honors Colleges (Pitt’s should be a given considering your scores and interests).
If you can afford 45K, there’s a lot of neuroscience research at Penn State and you’d have a shot at Schreyer (8% admission rate though and only essays + course rigor + recommendations matter).
Wellesley, Barnard?


Prospective Students


Number of applications: 11,286
Number interviewed: 981
Number matriculated: 232
Average age: 24
Average science GPA: 3.63
Average overall GPA: 3.68
Average MCAT: 32
67% Pennsylvania residents
33% non-Pennsylvania residents from 22 states
68% worked or volunteered between college and medical school
They represent 106 different undergraduate colleges and universities with at least 4 students matriculating from each of the following schools: Penn State University (17), University of Pittsburgh (14), Temple University (11), Rutgers University (10), University of Pennsylvania (8), Johns Hopkins (7), UCLA (6), Bucknell University (6), Haverford College (4), and 3 each from College of William and Mary, Duquesne University, George Washington University, Georgetown University, Lehigh University, Muhlenberg College, New York University, Northwestern University, UC Irvine, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, University of Scranton, Ursinus College, Vassar College, West Chester University, Yale University.

What were our students’ undergraduate majors?
63% were science majors, 22% were non-science majors, and 15% were double majors.


Wouldn’t you qualify for a full ride at Rutgers University (Honors?)? What about applying to a number of BS/MD programs (Brooklyn College City University of New York/SUNY Downstate Medical, Hofstra University/LIJ School of Medicine, Hofstra University, Temple, University of Miami, Rutgers University/Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Penn State University/Jefferson Medical College, University of the Pittsburgh/ University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, etc.)?

Based on the above list, the best odds in terms of ratio are at Bucknell, then Haverford; Duquesne if you want a college that’s easy to get into, Muhlenberg, UScranton, Ursinus, Hofstra, and West Chester if you want a college that would certainly give you merit money.
However this is just one year, one med school…

How about Northeastern in Boston? I visited in September and it’s still my favorite that I’ve toured so far, and it might be a good fit for you as well. It’s in a city, but has a suburban, defined campus feel, which I really liked. They have a Pre-Med track and lots of humanities programs. They also have co-op, which really makes it stand out. They’re also known for Journalism, which you can take classes in if you love writing, which you seem to. Because of the rigor of your course load, you might even be able to qualify for their Honors program!

I’d recommend you look at BU. With your stats/course rigor/scores, it would be a solid match school (possibly even a safety–if you nail your essay, you’re right in the sweet spot of their admit profile). Also, you likely already know this, but I saw you’re applying ED to UPenn. Have you been in contact with the recruiter at Kelly Writer’s House? It can give a boost to a good application if you get in touch and share your writing and they like it.

@proudterrier Thanks for your suggestion, and yes, I have been in contact with KWH! They are advocating for me in the admissions process, which I’m extremely grateful for. I visited and they were amazing, so fingers crossed it makes some kind of difference! They are one of the big reasons why I want to go to Penn, to be honest :slight_smile: