Hi everyone! I’m a senior applying to schools now and I would like to get a better idea of where I should apply. I already have two schools I am applying ED and EA to, so I’m crafting my regular decision schools list. I’m from NJ and I’m an Asian girl.
My GPA is ~3.7 UW / 4.13 W (should be at least a 4.2 W by the end of first semester senior year; I’m taking 6 APs this year so it will definitely inflate it). I’ve taken basically the hardest course rigor, with all my core classes being either honors or APs. I go to a competitive medium-sized public school.
My SAT score is a 2370 (800 CR, 770 M, 800 W), and I have some subject tests, 790 USH, 790 Lit, 700 Bio-E (not sure if I’ll send that one). My AP scores from junior year are APUSH (5), AP Lang (5), AP Calc AB (4), and AP Physics 1 (2; not reporting).
My ECs are pretty strong, with my main “spike” being writing. I’m the Editor-in-Chief of the Lit Mag at my school and have won many regional awards and one/two national ones (nothing crazy prestigious though). I also play viola at the All-State level and have been the principal violist for my school for all of high school. I have other ECs but I’m not mentioning them to keep this post short. I’m working hard on my essays and supplements, teacher/counselor recs should be great.
Biggest concern is my GPA, which is on the low side for top schools but still pretty solid. I’m not looking into LACs at the moment. Looking for schools with some prestige/name factor (this is more of my parent’s request honestly), and in an urban/suburban setting (should be near a big city). I’m planning on majoring in the social sciences or humanities on the Pre-Med track (this may or may not work out). Thank you guys in advance!!