Recommendations for a Calculus III Book?

<p>Any good Calc III textbooks out there? The book required for my math class is really bad (typos everywhere; questions not hard at all)... I'm looking for a textbook with good notes and challenging practice problems, especially for the following list of topics:</p>

Higher Order Differential Equations
Systems of Linear Equations
Seroes Solutions of Linear Equations
Vector Calculus</p>


<p>Get a book by Larson- My calc teacher is using a earlier Calc book (Calc AB) but it is a great book. Also, she went to a conference and this book was the one they most highly recommended. Larson (publisher Houghton Mifflin) is the way to go. Intermediate to challenging problems, and thorough explanations.</p>

<p>thomas’ calculus</p>

<p>everything you mentioned on your list + more</p>

<p>My school uses [url=<a href=“]Varberg[/url”>]Varberg[/url</a>] for Calc I-III and the intermediate calculations are pretty good but certainly not thorough. If you need your hand held it’s not the book for you, but there is also quite a variety of problems from the analytical to the very serious applications and at most ranges of difficulty.</p>

<p>Easton722- I’m a high school senior taking Calc AB/BC, and my class uses Thomas’ Calculus. It is awesome.</p>

<p>Gilbert Strang’s text: online and free.</p>

<p>[Free</a> Online MIT Course Materials | Supplemental Resources | MIT OpenCourseWare](<a href=“]Free”></p>

<p>use stewart. it doesn’t talk down to you, makes a lot of sense, and explains hard concepts in several different ways. thomas also has a nice range of problems, even if you already know calculus some of them will be difficult. i really didn’t like larson (what we had to use in high school) since the textbook read more like an outline than an actual text.</p>

<p>[</a> Calculus: Early Transcendentals: James Stewart: Books](<a href=“]”></p>

<p>oh, and if you’re up for a real challenge, try apostol</p>

<p>I agree with Calculus by James Stewart. It’s really good.</p>