Recommendations for a Pure Math University?

We should get them all together!

I think we had the impression Rice was already on your radar since it was mentioned in the first post. It’s one of the top research universities in the world.


@circuitrider. Got it. Thanks!

I get the feeling that your school is somewhat dropping the ball on this.

They are specialising in these very special kids, who in relation to the US system aren’t just square pegs in round holes, but something totally different, more like
butterflies? and let them grow and fly, and when they graduate they tell them you’re on your own now, fold yourself up again and find the next round hole to crawl through?

Thats probably a rather harsh take but they must have experience and data for where their graduates have applied, but more importantly where their unusual trajectory has been valued and they’ve been admitted, and most importantly where they have thrived. Can’t you get it from them?


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