<p>U.S. History; I have the AMSCO and REA books, but they're for AP.</p>
<p>Physics: I have only the 06-07 PR book, but for AP.</p>
<p>Literature: None yet for this test.</p>
<p>U.S. History; I have the AMSCO and REA books, but they're for AP.</p>
<p>Physics: I have only the 06-07 PR book, but for AP.</p>
<p>Literature: None yet for this test.</p>
<p>USH: If you take the AP and prep with AMSCO, you should be fine for the SAT II.</p>
<p>I bought the Princeton Review book for Lit. Although I don't think I'll need much prep since I have a passion for analyzing poetry and prose, I wanted to just see the general set-up of the test and what literary devices, specifically, are tested. The beginning part, which consists of a general review of literary devices, tips and tricks, etc. was sort of boring, mainly because I thought it "spoke down" to the reader (but, that may be helpful to someone who has no idea how to analyze literature). I haven't done any of the practice tests yet, but I hear they're very similar to the real thing.</p>
<p>princeton review is generally known as a safe choice. barrons for some subjects tends to overprepare but if you can rise to the challenge and do well with the barrons books then you're set for high scores.</p>