Recommended nursing programs?

<p>I am currently applying to UPenn (early), Point Loma, Seattle Pacific, UCLA, UC Irvine, Boston College, and University of Washington. I really want to go to Penn, but I'm pretty sure I'll get rejected, and I really do not want to end up with only two choices when April rolls around.</p>

<p>UPenn, UW, UCLA, and BC are all in the reach/high target zone. I think I can make it into UC Irvine, though I heard it has a competitive program. SPU and PLNU are backups for me, and I'm very sure I can get in.</p>

<p>Does anyone want to recommend other schools? I prefer them to be near major urban areas, but otherwise, I'm just looking for schools that should be in my target zone. (By the way, I've already made a decision not to apply to NYU, so please don't say that). Thanks!</p>

<p>My stats are below, for reference:</p>

Gender: Male
Race: Asian (Chinese)</p>

SAT: 2040, 2140 (700 Reading, 720 Math, 720 Writing)
SAT Superscore: 2140
SAT II: Chemistry (760), Math II (790), Biology (760)
ACT: 34 (35 English, 33 Math, 34 Reading, 35 Science, Combined English/Reading 32)
AP: Chinese (5), Biology (5)</p>

School Rank: #70 on US News Rankings, #2 for Open Enrollment Math and Science
School Location: California
GPA: 3.82 Unweighted 9-12 (Upward trend, 4.0 Junior Year) > probably going to jump down to like 3.6 with the way my senior year is going right now ._.
Percentile: Top 25% (top 20 is 3.83)
Rank: School does not rank
APs and Honors: Chemistry Honors (10), AP Biology (11), Precalculus Honors (11), Chinese 4 Honors (11)
Senior Year courses: AP Calculus BC, Physics Honors, AP Government, AP Macroeconomics, Chamber Orchestra, Teacher Assistant, Contemporary Literature</p>

National Merit Commended</p>

Forum leader/moderator (includes organizing international projects)
Captain on quiz team
Co-Principal Keyboardist for MVCO (does this count?)</p>

Local hospital (150+ hours)
Sunday School teacher (200+ hours)
Teacher assistant at summer school for autistic children (85 hours)
Tutoring at low-income housing area (30+ hours)</p>

Tri-M Music Honor Society (service club)
Chinese Honor Society (service club)
Piano for 12+ years</p>

<p>1st: You have some great schools on your list already, Good luck!
If you want to stay close to an urban area then I would suggest Pitt, John Hopkins, Georgetown, and Vanderbilt. Not all are direct entry but they are worth considering.</p>

<p>If you like the Phila area, I’d apply to Villanova. They have very selective admissions, but not absurdly selective admissions like U. Penn. They recently built a new nursing building. From Villanova, there are two rail lines to reach most of the Phila. area.</p>

<p>Also, consider Case Western Reserve University. 1600 clinical hours that begin in your freshman year.</p>

<p>Illinois: [UIC</a> | College of Nursing Home](<a href=“]UIC”>
Minnesota: [Academic</a> Programs - School of Nursing, University of Minnesota](<a href=“]Academic”>
Johns Hopkins: [The</a> Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing](<a href=“]The”>
Oregon Health & Science University: [Undergraduate</a> Home](<a href=“]Undergraduate”>Undergraduate Program | OHSU)</p>

<p>Maybe, Michigan:[University</a> of Michigan School of Nursing](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>I think John Hopkins is second baccalaureate only (starting this year). Are there any on the West Coast (Seattle, San Francisco, LA/SD)?</p>

<p>D1 is a nursing student at ’ Nova and loves it…facilitlies are practically new, as mentioned above…</p>

<p>How about Dominican, U of Portland, Pacific Lutheran or U of San Francisco? They’re all direct-entry so you won’t have to reapply in your sophomore year.</p>

<p>yep, for west coast, to add to greenwitch list, there are also: UCLA, UC-Irvine as direct entry publics; Gonzaga (spokane, wa), Seattle University, Linfield College in Oregon, Samuel Merritt via St. Mary’s College in Moraga, Mills College, or Holy Names, and Mount St. Marys in Brentwood.</p>