Recovery from my Awful Psychology Major GPA?

<p>So here is another "sad" story of a Pre-MD hopeful... but please let me know what you think.</p>

<p>I am currently working on finishing my BA Psychology Major at a not too well-known University, but I am not too happy with my GPA of 2.6. I got fed-up with trying to learn about theories that I felt didn't have a lot of concrete-science-based material and I let my GPA suffer because of my lack of motivation. My grades were amazing (solid 4.0) even when I was burning out for a year, but this 2nd year has been awful for several reasons and I tanked. I'm halfway through my junior status now and pulling through to just get the degree because there is no point for me to just change majors when I'm almost done. </p>

<p>However, I have decided to get a second major in BA Biology with a Chem minor. I love these classes and the more of them I take the more I love the subject. I believe I have found my niche and I am doing really well in these more factual-science classes. I think I can keep my grades up and continue to do well to bring up my GPA a bit. I know I have a LOT more to go but I am staying motivated. I am trying to do all the right things to get me to Med School (volunteer work, hospital shadowing, recommendations, EMT training this summer, intense MCAT prep)... I'm not planning to use Psychology to go down the psychiatry path at all, I just want to finish it since I am practically done anyway. I just want to try for general Med School. </p>

<p>BUT my question is do you think I can recover from my awful Psychology GPA? I know that it will definitely come up in interviews (if I get any) and I think I just needed to find my niche to be motivated to do well (and I know how that sounds.....) but I believe I have the ability to continue getting good grades in all these science classes as long as I stay on top of my stuff, I'm just afraid that because I wasn't motivated in my psychology work I may not be able to do what I really want to do because it'll hurt me when I'm applying to medical school. If I do really well in my new "second" major science classes then I think I can pull it up to a 3.0 (or higher just trying to look at the worst possible scenario). </p>

<p>Do you think I can recover? Should I just finish my low GPA Psych BA and do a Post-Bac instead of a Double-Major? Honest opinions and advice please? Thanks guys.</p>