Recruitment Conditions

<p>I named this thread so that we could use it to share basic info relative to Recruitment ( weather, computer glitches, road closures, available dining, etc)</p>

<p>I just checked the ten- day forecast and Convocation has, after a forecasted rainy week, a 40% chance of RAIN.</p>

<p>Today’s to-do list includes waterproofing ALL SHOES, rain jackets, umbrella and backpack.</p>

<p>Is there water available for the PNMs in the tents? Or somewhere to replenish their own water bottle?</p>

<p>Will water, or some other hydrating drink be served at every house in every round?</p>

<p>Or should each PNM carry MULTIPLE bottles of water so as to be SURE they have enough for the entire day?</p>

<p>And it still looks like RAIN, at least on Friday for Convocation…</p>

<p>In the past there have been coolers of water at the tents. In addition there are drinks served at all of the parties each day. Truth is…the pnms don’t drink them. I can’t even begin to describe how much is wasted. Ice Water teas will have just that, ice water but the other parties have fruity/themed drinks (think syrupy sweet). Each year we encourage the girls to make sure and stay hydrated and each year we have fainters due to dehydration. The problem is that once they get into the houses and are handed a drink the talking starts and they are working so hard to get their info out and make connections in such a limited time that they just don’t drink. The other issue is that using the bathroom during a party is a big no no. It happens and if the absolutley HAVE to go they can, but pnms are encouraged to wait and use their break time…so for some that can be awhile and therefore girls are afraid to drink for fear of having to go to the bathroom. Vicious circle :/.<br>
As for weather…it WILL rain…it does it every year. Last year we had a terrible storm the first day of Philanthropy…parties were delayed first because a big glitch and then a storm rolled in and so they were delayed further. I think it was Skit Day we had to hold pnms in the informal for about 20 minutes while we had another storm. My DD’s year there was a huge rain storm on Pref. Be prepared. FYI…if it does storm the pnms do not wear rain boots…they will still be all dressed in heels, wedges or whatever the shoes attire is for that day. We try really hard to keep them as dry as possible, holding them in houses until the weather passes but sometimes there is only so much we can do. Send a collapsible umbrella and a mini fix it make-up kit with mirror.
Last year when we had to hold the girls in the house neither the pnms were allowed to talk nor the actives…it was the quietest 20 minutes ever!<br>
I am keeping my fingers crossed for y’all that you have good, cool weather. Last year was much cooler that years past and that part was very nice!</p>

<p>Now the forecast is clear on Friday AUGUST 9th, but 40% chance of rain on Saturday AUGUST 10th. Looks like rain chances are moving into the party days…</p>

<p>A week out…the only thing sure is that the forecast will change! ;-D</p>

<p>Forecast is RAIN until Pref.</p>

<p>Kiwi made a fortune off my shoe / backpack waterproofing efforts this week.</p>

<p>The good news is that the high for Friday and Saturday is predicted to be 91 and it goes down from there for the remainder of the week. I hope at least that part stays true!</p>

<p>Was up at 5 am for my morning run but we are having thunder and rain here in Missouri. Good luck to all of you who are heading down for recruitment! It will be an exciting week and I wish you all the very best! The members have been working very hard on getting ready. DD already has no voice and is looking forward to her day off on Friday…mani, pedi and massage plus tanning! I am sad I am missing recruitment but with the number of phone calls I have had from the chapters it’s almost like I’ve been there! Moms…big breaths, lots of adult beverages…truthfully your dear sweet DDs will be fine :)…will be thinking and praying for all of you!</p>

<p>I just returned from Tuscaloosa this afternoon. Got my DD set up in her new apartment. At least during my visit the rain held off until about 2pm. The Target was wiped out. Poor workers are trying so hard to keep the shelves stocked. If you need little things such as mirror clips, swifter dusters – I know, sounds silly – the Target and Walmart were wiped out. Try to squeeze them in your car. Very important to avoid a “hanging the full length mirror dilemma.” Best wishes and blessings to all the PNMs!</p>