Red Bull gives a horribly disgusting utterly horrifying vommit-inducing after taste

<p>I don't know what could turn your urine purple. But I know what can turn it orange: Contaminated food. -- speaking from experience here.</p>

<p>Wowch: Contaminated food? Did you retch or just pee orange -- or both?</p>

<p>contaminated food gave me Jaundice and Hepatitis A. One of the many symptoms was orange (or tea-colored to be exact) pee.</p>

<p>Water FTW!</p>

<p>?^ .</p>

<p>FTW = for the win</p>

<p>Ah, I see.
I hat custard too, but not because of the taste:
The other day I saw a little cup of chocolate custard. It was open and I decided to try some.
I looked it from far away - it looked EXACTLY like diharia! But there was no smell to back it up.</p>

<p>I ran into the living room and demanded: "Which one of you shat in the custard thing?!"
They laughed and explained that it was actually chocolate.</p>

<p>tehe. That made me giggle.</p>

<p>now I always make sure Of what I'm eating before I make any assumptions.
Red Bull sucks! I just had another one yesterday!</p>