nope-still haven’t seen anything
is anyone’s portal inactive??
Yes, my son’s is inactive now. I believe it is because they are posting another batch of decisions.
I contacted admissions and they said everyone should be hearing back by tomorrow or Thursday!
So son’s Portal went from having the accepted message showing earlier for a few hours, to back to a neutral status that does not say that. So not sure what is up. He still shows a box coming tomorrow, so I assume still all good.
Same for my son’s portal.
so has mine as well
eyo! my package is 2lbs how about u guys
Yes we’ve established this… Congratulations!
still no sign of a package here and my portal never updated, i’m getting really scared
Today is when the bulk of results will be released via mail. Wishing you luck- don’t lose hope yet!!
@madelynrose Email or actual mail?
yea, physical mail! wishing all of you that haven’t head anything good news : )
though i live in the bay area and everyone seems to be getting theirs around here today… not 100% sure if thats true on the east coast
(edit: clarification)
i’m hoping east coast comes today, i’ve barely slept this week waiting
I just got my package!
what state are you in? Congratulations! we called admissions to confirm that the acceptance that appeared on the portal and then disappeared was correct and they said yes.