Reed's strongest depts...

<p>What are Reed's strongest depts?</p>

<p>In sciences, biology, chemistry, physics and math are all very strong.</p>

<p>In social sciences, anthropology, sociology, psychology and political science are all very good.</p>

<p>In humanities, the classics, foreign languages, Chinese humanities, and history.</p>

<p>Reed is pretty strong in sciences and social sciences. Although humanities program is also good there is not much diversity in courses. Most of the courses are eurocentric and ignore far-eastern/ african/ asian experience. They failed to offer chinise humanities courses this year. Religion is also mostly judeo-christian. This eurocentricity makes Reed maybe 50 years behind time compared to other colleges.</p>

<p>Yes, the eurocentricity is one of my biggest worries with Reed. Do you feel the eurocentric attitude is reflected in the student body?</p>

<p>I don't think I know what you mean by 'eurocentric attitude'</p>

<p>okay, well I guess I meant if students seem more interested in the Great Books than in current events and learning about other cultures, or something like that.</p>

<p>About current events there are some atudent activists like Greenboard who take great interest in whats going on. But its not like wesleyan where everyone is activist. There are people who take interest in learning other cultures. But many just do their own business, whether its Great Book reading or not. If thats eurocentricity then yes its reflected in student body.</p>

<p>Reed is totally into the arts too. If you want to do independent work in the arts you can do it here.</p>