Registering for classes as a freshman?

This is probably a dumb question but how do I plan which classes I’m going to take? I know that I can’t register until Bama Bound but I wanted to make a chart with the classes I want to pick, except I can’t find a course catalog anywhere. I’m going to be majoring in engineering and I found the flowchart for required classes, but I can’t find the times for those classes. Also, can I take classes outside of what’s listed on the flowchart? I’m going to be in Honors and Blount, so I’ll have to take certain classes, but I can’t find those either.
Sorry if this sounds confusing; I don’t have any older siblings that went through this, so it feels like I’m going in blind. Any help/explanation/advice would be much appreciated! Roll Tide!

Find your course catalogs here:

There used to be paper catalogs but not anymore. Follow the links to the appropriate areas of study.

Also, go to your Mybama account, get familiar with all the various options, Mybama will be your lifeline to the university, with Crimson Mail being your communication portal. Get to know your way around all the various pages, there will be plenty of course info to be found at the linked pages. Make sure to check your email regularly, at least once a day, perhaps more.

When you log into MyBama, click on the Student tab. That will take you to a bunch of buttons. Look for the one marked “Schedule Builder.” That will allow you to start putting together a tentative schedule.

Once you’re logged in you’ll be able to find the course times for all the classes, as well as who the assigned instructors are.

When you create a tentative schedule to bring to Bama Bound, have a few alternatives in case you can’t get the section you first wanted.

Is there still a link that says: Look up classes …on myBama? If so, that can also tell you class times

@julia16 Just do what @dodgersmom says. I went on Schedule Builder in my daughters MyBama and it was really easy. You can see what courses are open and who the Profs are and then you can open a window in Rate My Professor and use these together to build a solid schedule.

If an old guy like me, Eng grad 1982, can do it, I know a young tech savvy future engineer can easily do it.

Good Luck in your endeavors.

Agree with the above advice to build the best schedule you can, and that includes having alternatives available if your first choices aren’t available. But the most important thing is not to panic if you get to Bama Bound and the courses you want/need are not available. The only requirement when you register is that you sign up for at least 12 credit hours . . . and it doesn’t matter what they are, because you’ll have ample opportunity to add and/or drop classes before their actual start date. So, sign up for “Underwater Basket Weaving” if you need to fill an empty slot - and change it later!

And, yes, you will be able to grab the classes you need if you’re diligent. Course openings fluctuate almost daily over the summer - and almost hourly during the final days before classes start! Just check for openings frequently and, during those final days, at all hours . . . you’d be amazed how many seats open up at 2 a.m.!

And, in future semesters, make use of the waitlist. It’s only available during registration and for a month or so afterwards (and it’s not available for all courses), but it’s the best way to get an open seat during that time period. My son added himself to the waitlist for a closed class (with a highly sought after prof) last week, and received an email this Saturday that he was in! I’m kind of amazed that anyone took the time to log on and change their schedule the day after finals ended . . . but, hey, it worked, and now my kid has the schedule he wants!

The way the waitlist works is that waitlisted kids have priority for any course openings. Once the waitlist closes, openings go to whoever can grab them first. (FYI, for Fall registration, the waitlist closes tomorrow.)

Just brainstorming here after reading this great thread…are we supposed to have a full year schedule already planned out or just first semester for BB?

@atomicPACMAN07 I would think just your first semester for BB. You will meet with an advisor for your second semester schedule which will be contingent on how your first semester classes are going.

I think going with the flow chart for your major (excluding humanities AP/CLEP/CC credits) is the way to go for a starting point.

One other note: a good class to take as a Freshman is Micro- Econ. A good class and not very taxing so a good fit with Calc, Physics, Chem type classes.

Thanks @CyclonesGrad for that info. I was already planning to take Micro just because I am an econ nut :stuck_out_tongue: Love to read economics for brain candy when I am not doing calculus or chemistry.

^^ I suspect you’re going to do very well in engineering, @atomicPACMAN07! :slight_smile:

@LucieTheLakie “fingers crossed” I am keeping my hopes up! knock on wood