Where am I supposed to find the pin I’m supposed to use to register for freshman orientation?? I’ve asked this question in a billion different places, but I still have no idea. I completed the placement exams and the student survey, but have yet to find a pin.
My son received an email from “orientation staff”. It gave directions on how to register for orientation through his Temple portal.
@BlueHen89 I got that email too, but it didn’t include a pin. Someone told me that I had to submit a photo for my ID card, so I did that just now.
I don’t recall having a pin, just the link in the email. Also, I have not yet submitted my photo yet and have registered for orientation, so that’s not the problem.
My son has not submitted his photo for his ID yet, however, he has registered for orientation. If you can get to your Temple portal, then you can register for orientation. Son said it was under “self service” banner on the left and then you click on students.
@jnkam24 @BlueHen89 I’m trying to register for honors orientation, so I don’t know if that’s a different process… I’m going to be in the college of science and technology, so is it possible that I have to take a foreign language placement exam? I emailed Temple about this whole problem yesterday, but I haven’t heard back yet. I’m stressed out about it though because there are only 12 spots left for the day I’m trying to schedule.
I registered for honors as well. @BlueHen89 is right, I did it through the swlf service banner. Are you following the instructions in the email? Click student, click registration, etc? Where are you getting the idea there is a pin?
@jnkam24 I followed the exact instructions in the email, but when I click the “register” button, it takes me to a screen that prompts me to enter a pin.
@brooke513 did u get an answer?
@jnkam24 I (and a lot of other people including my roommate) got an email from Temple yesterday saying that it’s a system error and to correct it I have to submit my photo. Thanks for trying to help!!